Infectious Desire/Eat Your Words

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Bertholdt: a-annie w-what are you?

Annie: you're not that stupid, or maybe you are, or maybe haven't experienced yet, guess

*annie places her hand on Bertholdts chest tracing it up and down*

Bertholdt: a-nnie if you do that then-

Annie: then what? What will you do? Isn't this what you wanted? You finally have me where you want me

*she pushes him to the ground crawling on top of him, her lips inches away from his, her calm breathing, her breath brushing past his senses*

Bertholdt: i...i...i have words to say

Annie: shh, then open your mouth, ill eat them, ill eat your words

Bertholdt: ..hgha a..n..i...You're

Annie: do you desire me? Say it,  what, im what? Speak

Bertholdt: to much!

*Bertholdt furiously wakes, he must've slept on the couch, his eyes fixed on the ceiling, he wipes his forehead with his hand, he's sweating, he looks around still delirious he quietly says her name*

Bertholdt: annie?....... dammit annie, you're killing me, and you don't even know

*he goes to his room and grabs his book and starts writing*

Bertholdt: and you never will



Reiner: finally i get to see your paintings

Bertholdt: reiner it isnt professional or anything

Reiner: bertholdt you're to modest, see if you were more confident i bet you could get annie to notice you

Bertholdt: really? But we're already friends, she notices me enough

Reiner: well if thats as far as you want it to go theirs not much i can do, you know my opinion

Bertholdt: i do, thanks anyway reiner

Reiner: now uncover the painting and let me see

*Bertholdt pulls off the covering unveiling his art*

Reiner: .....thats it?

Bertholdt: ...?

Reiner: its just the sky

Bertholdt: its not exactly finished

Reiner: why show me this if your not finished?

Bertholdt: well for one you kept asking, two, i want you to see it as i progress

Reiner: long process?

Bertholdt: maybe, probably, to be honest i dont know, i dont think i have much inspiration

Reiner: sounds like you need a drink

Bertholdt: reiner no, thats your solution for everything

Reiner: good solution, guess it'll just be me then, i got security detail at the shop in a hour so ill see you

Bertholdt: yea, later


again and again and one more time again, your name enters my mind and exits my mouth....dammit annie why do you do this to me? What am i being tortured for?

Staring at this, painting of the sky? But my mind isnt anywhere near it, i should really......

*Bertholdt catches up to reiner before he gets to far*

Bertholdt: hey reiner wait up,on second thought i think i could really use that drink

Reiner: great im buying

Bertholdt: dont have to

Reiner: i am, lets go

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