9 - Harry

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Harry Styles

LEMON WAS THE first thing he smelled.

The stench of blood was what followed afterwards.

After the conference was long over, he talked with other people there and got a huge list of new releases he wanted on his shelves. For the first time, he felt good. His bookstore was doing better than ever, his twin brother was back home, and he was getting closer with Louis.

His smile was brighter than ever on his walk home and got even brighter as he was walking up the stairs. Throughout it all, he hoped that Louis would be waiting for him. He wanted to tell him about tonight. Even though it didn't seem like much, he was hoping Louis would be happy for him. Especially considering he worked at the same place.

But when he walked through the door, he was met with someone else either than his brother on the couch and his boyfriend in the other room. When he first noticed the smell, he didn't think feel the worry settle in until he walked closer in the apartment.

Suddenly, everything he was holding in his hands dropped, and he slid on the floor closer to the person who was gone.

"Louis?" He asked confused, like he hoped this entire thing was a dream. "What...what happened?"

Tears slowly slid down his face as he held Louis' head in his hands. He ignored the pale skin and blood that poured out from his chest as he pushed a few strands of hair out of his face. And prayed that somehow, he would open his eyes.

That was when he realized someone else was there too. He jerked his head up as his eyes met familiar green ones, and his heart stopped for a second. "Edward? What happened?"

Edward moved something in his hand back and forth. He shrugged at the question but didn't avert from his gaze. "He got in the way."

"Got in the way of what?" Harry asked, confused.

This whole situation felt like a fever dream. He felt like he was about to wake up, and realize this entire thing wasn't real. That he accidently fell asleep at the conference and would wake up embarrassed over the fact that he fell asleep around other strangers. But at least then what was happening in front of him wouldn't be real.

For a second, he wanted to go back to the other night when Louis was in the same apartment with him. And he felt complete. Now he just felt empty. And confused over the simple answer his twin brother gave him. Like it was enough.

"Got in the way of what, Edward?" Anger now became clear in his response.

Edward's features hardened. "Wasn't it clear, Harry? Got in the way of us. I did what needed to be done for us."

"This didn't need to be done." Harry argued.

But Edward shook his head, snickering over the dumb statement. "It did, and I'm sorry you can't see that right now. But you will."

There was a moment of silence between the two of them, before Edward spoke up again. And when he did, there was no remorse or guilt in his question. And neither one of them expected anything different.

"Are you going to help me clean him up?" Edward asked, finally dropping the object in his hand.

Harry realized it to be the EpiPen that Louis needed. The one he probably needed tonight. But none of that mattered now, because he was going to do what needed to be done.

Because their love for each other would always be stronger than anything else. 

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