3 - Harry

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Harry Styles

HE DIDN'T SEE his brother at first when he walked in.

He closed down the store after saying goodnight to Louis. But before Louis left through the door, he made Harry promise that he would call him if anything happened with Edward. He didn't leave until Harry promised, and even then, he wasn't sure he believed him.

Things weren't always this tense between the two of them, but Harry felt like they were more distanced than before. Every time Edward went away and came back, they never talked about it. But the silence was louder whenever they were together.

Harry never asked what happened during those times he went away, and Edward never supplied answers. Not that Edward would if Harry found the courage to ask. There were certain things that were left unsaid about the things that happened in each other's lives.

His thoughts continued to jumble as Edward walked out of his bedroom. "What were you doing in there?"

Edward glanced up, his face tightening. "I had to use the bathroom."

The uneasiness from before was back and stronger. They each stood a good distance apart, or at least as much as the space would allow, and stared at separate things. Harry moved his eyes from the couch with the single bag resting on it to his brother who was staring at the books resting on each of the walls. They made eye contact a second later.

"Do you want something to eat?" Harry hesitantly asked him.

Edward shook his head, moving towards the couch. "I'm fine." He went looking through his bag. The silence grew louder.

Harry moved slowly on his feet until he sat on the chair facing the couch. "Do you want to put some of your clothes in the dresser?" He asked. "I always keep an empty drawer for you."

"I don't get why. It's not like I have much to fill up the drawer." He knew the contents of what was inside the bag. One single shirt, a pair of pants, a few articles of underwear, a toothbrush, his old wallet, and the shoes he was wearing.

"We could always buy you some more stuff." He offered. Offered, because Edward would never outright ask for them.

Edward shrugged. "If you can find the time to get away from your boy toy."

Harry sighed. "Don't say that. You only met him for half a second."

"You're right." Edward liked through the bag, grabbing everything out of them.

He walked past the shelf with the picture facing down, without even sparing it a glance or noticing the way it was. Like he always seemed to do. Harry wasn't known for being observant. And one day, that would catch up with him.

The silence grew too loud between them, but Harry grabbed the back of his neck with his hand. And suddenly, Edward himself looked uneasy in the tight space. But he offered his brother a tight smile. "We could get some things. Together."

Harry gave him a wide smile, allowing the tension from his body to disappear. Out of shock, he moved to where Edward was, moved the bag, and wrapped his arms around his brother for the second time.

Edward was quick to pat the hands that were wrapped around him, and then immediately swat them away. He was never one for physical touch. "Enough of that." The arms that were around him a second ago were instantly loosened. "Do you have to go back to work?"

"Edward, it's night time." He gestured towards the dark skies through the open blinds. "The store is closed."

His brother glanced at the sky like he didn't expect it to be dark already. Shock outlined his features. "Have you eaten?"

"I can make something." Harry suggested, his eyebrows raising at the option. He was already up and getting out some supplies a second later. "There was a new recipe that I've been wanting to try."

"Are you sure?" There was hesitation in Edward's tone. Something that wasn't always there, and Harry turned around from the kitchen to look at his brother.

"Yes, I'm sure." Before turning around, he added. "I'm glad you're back."

Silence followed, and then the quiet. "Me too."

Harry knew everything would be fine.

For now, everything would be fine.


A FEW DAYS had passed since the initial welcoming home for his brother, and he was just starting to look like he belonged in society again.

The amount of clothing he owned multiplied with the help of Harry and his personal choices. They walked through various stores, and without even thinking about it, Harry was grabbing things he thought his brother needed in his hands, and all Edward could do was watch.

Watch as the fascination gathered in his green eyes at the thought of helping out his brother. And for a small amount of time, there was a lift in the corner of his brother's mouth.

They left the stores shortly after getting Edward more than he needed, and ventured into getting something to eat before Harry would have to be going to work. They walked into the food court, Harry walking in front of his twin, and waited for lines to clear up before deciding to pick something. 

Harry turned, seeing that his twin was no longer following behind him. Moving his eyes around for another second showed that he was sitting at one of the tables, studying the receipt in his pale hands. 

He suddenly smiled at the sight of his brother and finally felt the worries start to disappear from his chest. For the past few days, those silent worries crept their way back, and for a while Harry feared that he would lose his brother again. For what, he wasn't sure, but seeing his brother sitting in a public place and doing something that other people might take for granted made him feel content.

After a few minutes, he returned to that same table his brother was at and dropped two trays of food for them. Edward looked up at him with confusion written over his face.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Do you think I can't afford food or something?" He harshly whispered the question while his gaze was on the food in front of them.

To be fair, Harry did think his brother would be hungry. Especially considering that the people at the institution weren't big on making sure everyone was fed. So, when he went to order food, he slightly went overboard. But he hadn't expected Edward to be rude about it or call him out on it. 

"I don't think that." Harry said, taking a seat across from him. "I just thought-"

"Thought what?" Edward interrupted, his upper lip turning up in disgust. "That your insane brother can't afford anything, so you decided to-"

Harry interrupted his brother with a soft sigh. "Just eat, Edward. And then we can talk about what is going to happen after."


Harry began digging into the food in front of him. "You do plan on staying, right?"

He glanced up at Edward when he didn't heard him respond. He was met with a look that he couldn't understand. But he didn't have the time to think about what the look meant when his brother nodded. And something warmed in the center of his chest. That maybe this time, they would be a family again.


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