"Huh?" said Hidan interrrupting Leader. "That's the same thing as the ninja villages do now. You take a mission, complete it and get paid. You wanna be the Leader of a tiny ghetto village with no country to back it up? That's retarded."

"Hm." said Leader with what I think may have been a smirk. "It's the exact opposte as a village allied with it's country."

"What?" asked Hidan confused.

"Let's start with the basics," said Leader. "Countries with large, powerful ninja villages get the bulk of their capital through the shinobi business. By fighting battles both withen and ..."

I tuned out of the conversation. I know all this. I know the plans and everything. It still doesn't change the fact that my mission isn't going to be easy. Even knowing all their abbilities... I doubt I could kill them... I doubt I could even bring myself to kill them... I mean sure Hidan's a dick but he's my friend.. Kakuzu all he cares about is money but still....Itachi fuck he taught me so much about gen jitsu and helped me get a shit load stronger... Kisame is actually a funny guy and he's grown on me... and Deidara... I don't know what we are... I...I think of him as more then a friend but... that doesn't change my mission.

I told myself I wouldn't get attached to the Akatsuki but.. here I am.. not yet at the end of my mission but I think of them like part of my family...  

But my family at home...my dad... my friends... I miss them all.. but I won't get to spend anymore time with them... Kiba...

Do...do I still love Kiba?  I mean... I haven't seen him in years... But I know I still feel something there for him...but another question is...which one do I actually love...

Deidara...or Kiba?


I... I don't know what to do...


I sat there, watching while Ino started healing Asuma. He has to be ok. He has to.

"Ino?" asked Chouji unsure.

She didn't reply but carried on focusing on healing our sensai.

The other 4 soon joined us, not knowing what we could do but wait for Ino.

Thunder began to crackle throught the sky, dark clouds began to cover up the sun. 

I saw tears reach Ino's eyes.

No...it can't be..I thought as I stared at her wide eyes. Asuma... I thought as I closed my eyes and looked down at him.

"I think I finally understand why the Third did what he did.." said Asuma as more thunder began to crackle through the sky. "But, like always, I took too long...to figure it out." I had no idea what Asuma was talking about. But I just listened. "Ino, Chouji, Shikamaru...I have one last thing to tell you."

"Sensai, you shouldn't talk anymore!" said Chouji worried.

"Chouji," I said and he stopped, looking up at me. " And Ino.." I said as I trailed off, looking down at Asuma's barely breathing. "These are Asuma-sensai's last words. Just listen."

"Ino." started Asuma.

"Yes!" she answered and he slowly turned his head to her. 

"You are a strong willed, dependable and responsible.. Chouji and Skikamaru.. They're total goof-offs. Keep them in line..."

"Okay," she said as tears began to fall down her face. 

The True Pain Of A Ninja (sequal to Kakashi's daughter, is in love with Kiba!?)Where stories live. Discover now