Part 185: [Hyperlink blocked]

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Meanwhile, while this was going on, the other two teams were having quite a time.

Ren and Wally and the 3 kids had the smoothest time. No one even noticed them. They snuck into the control center with ease, with Wally's speed and Ren and Camie's quirks.

Bakugo kept watch while Momo tied up the people they'd found in there. Wally had taken them out with one punch. It was too easy.

But it wasn't so easy to know how to help their friends. Ren had only caught a small part of the capture.

"Can you get this whole place off the grid?" Wally asked.

"The level of clearance here--" Ren was at the computer and switches, "--it could take a while to do a lot...but they just used that projector on the dome, so if I can find the last command... Aha! Got it." He opened some kind of box. "If I get the camouflage off of this dome, our friends outside it can see what's happening. That could be useful." He toyed around for a minute or so, then something happened: the dome outside did shimmer.

It looked the same to them, but Ren assured them it was now transparent on the outside.

"Now, to see if I can throw them off any other ways without them getting busted..." he mused.

* * *

Outside, Hawks, Medea, and Monama had made short work of the patrols. They never knew what hit them.

It would be a while before they would be missed, so Hawks started looking around the area for anything else suspicious.

About 20 minutes or so later, the dome became transparent.

They could see the people running around inside.

Medea and Monama didn't see their friends though.

"I knew it. Something went wrong," Hawks said, landing next to them, "but we don't know how to get in there... I guess there was a door?"

"That will take a long time..." Monama said.

Medea snorted. "We don't need a d--- door, idiots. Remember?" She lit her hand on fire. "I can phase through things. Let's just get in there now."

"What if your quirk doesn't work inside?" Hawks said.

"What if it does? Should we just sit this one out?" Medea said.

"I can go with her," Monama said, "You watch from outside, Hawks. Miss Likstar can portal to you, then, if we find her. Just get out of sight."

"That's not a bad plan..." Hawks said, "if you find her..."

"Come on, Monama." Medea grabbed his hand. "Flame on! I've always wanted to say that."

[Because it fits her too well.]

They turned into flames and ran through the wall. Monama half expected to turn solid partway through because of some quirk blocker and die...but they didn't.

Instead they came out on the other side, behind one of the obstacle courses.

Medea lost no time. She started running between the courses.

Monama followed her.

People were looking everywhere, but no one had seen them come in.

They called something in English to the kids. Monama thought they were asking about seeing someone. He shook his head blankly.

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