Chapter Fourteen: Dreams

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"Katelyn! Katelyn! Wake up! It's me July! Wake up! Katelyn!"

"Don't listen to her honey. You died in the crash with us. Come be with us, it's okay."

"Katelyn! Wake up please! Katelyn!"

My mom grabbed my arm, "stay."

"No mom! I need my friends. I have a boyfriend now. I'm staying!" I yelled at her.

"Don't you miss Lily and Jake? Isn't it nice to see them again? Don't you miss your father and me? Here we have family game nights. Just stay."

"No mom! I need my friends. I have a boyfriend now. I'm staying!" Why did I repeat it to her? I don't know.

"Katelyn!" July was jerking me.

I jerk my arm away from my mom, and pop open my eyes.

"Who's there? Mom? Dad?" Suddenly arms wrap around my body. When I opened my eyes, I jerked up, so I was sitting up.

"Katelyn! Your okay! Oh my god! You were kicking, scream, talking, and crying. Why? Are you okay? Do I need to call a therapist? July call a therapist!"

"Cade! I'm okay. Just another dream," I hugged him back, and started to silently cry. Cade looked over to July and mouthed something, but I couldn't see what. "Let's just forget it, and move on please."

"Honey...lay back against the headboard. We need to talk," he nervously looks around to July and Eli who were standing in the room handing hands. They also looked scared. Hesitant Imlook around the room in a questionable look. "Katelyn. Look..." July and Eli look over at each other and sit down on the bed. " We're concerned for you. Could you tell us what the dreams where about? All three. I know you woke up again last night."

"Th-th-th-they w-w-w-were ab-b-bout the-the-" my voice cracked.

"It's okay Kay. You can tell us, spit it out," July was so comforting.

"Th-the accid-d-en-ent," there I said it! Oh my god! "I feel like living hell! Just kill me now, God!"

"Don't say that!" Eli shouted very serious. I forgot his older sister went through this. Then I heard footstep coming down the basement steps. Two pair. My grandma turned the corner, and right behind her was our family therapist, Mrs. Erickson. The devil.

"What is she do-"

"It's okay Katelyn, she is here for your sleeping problems," my grandma knows about my dreams? "Trust her. She will help you and think of solutions for your...umm...issues." I give her an unpromising look, but nod my head "yes." Cade, July, and Eli get up to leave, but I grab July and Cade's forearms. Damn! Cade has a lot of muscle! The two of them gave me a reassuring look, and pulled away. July walked over to Eli, he squeezed her hand. All of them plus my grandma, walk upstairs. Just me and The Devil left. The lights were off this whole time, and she flipped them on. I squinted and covered my eyes. I think a hiss accidently skipped out of my mouth. Oops.

"What are your dreams about?" Wow! Out of the blue! Nice to see you again too!

"My brother, sisters, and parents death. The car crash. All so, so vivid!" I hold back the tears. Hardest thing ever!

"I see," she takes a seat at my mom's vanity stool. "Now tell me. When you have these dreams are you sleeping with anyone? Anyone you feel safe with?"

"I sleep with my trusted-boyfriend and have the dreams, but it's only been one night, might just be a one day thing!"

"July this isn't normal after one week of the crash. Everyone recovers at a different speed, but I heard these were really bad dreams. Describe the dreams in detail," I tell her about my dreams. The first one, with all the detail I could supply. Then the next one, and the one after that. She kept writing down notes on a note pad.

"Katelyn keep sleeping with your boyfriend. Please. For the next week. It is helping you. I need you too. Do I need to call his parents? I will get his number from your grandmother," thanks for letting me answer!

"Okay, I will," I said with a smile creeping across my face. She called Cade's parents and told them, and they agreed.

"Also Katelyn... One more thing you need to do."


"You need to get really close to Cade and July. I'm talking an awkward close,but it will help. You miss your brother and sister, and need a close boy and girl friend. When I say close I mean up-close and personal. Just a suggestion," with that she left me in the room. Was she implying sex? No! No. Not going to happen, I'm not seeing him naked. That's the last thing my mind needs to see! Great! So now I have to see my boyfriend naked?

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