Chapter Thirteen: Back to School

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I wake up to complete scilence. Slowly I lift my head out of Cade's lap cautious of waking him up. On the bed were Eli and July sleeping, I look over to Cade and he was resting his head against the wall, also sleeping. Since everyone was still asleep I get up, go to the bathroom, change my tampon -Luckily my period has slowed down a little- , I flush to the toilet, and walk out into my parent's room. All of them were still sleeping. Quietly I headed up the creaky basement steps, I open the door to the upstairs with my parents' will in my hand. My grandma was sitting at the counter top reading the newspaper. "Morning Grandma!"

"Morning darling, what is that in your hand?"

"Mom and dad's will!" I run over to my grandma and hand it to her. She read it over, gave me a hug, and she looked thrilled.

"Katelyn you don't know this but your parents were extremely wealthy. They were planning on buying a new house in this neighborhood and fixing it up. You have so much money. I guess we have to get you a trampoline!" My parents were...wealthy?

"Wealthy?! That's awesome! I get a trampoline!!"

"Shh! The three of them still have a half an hour to sleep. They were up talking late last night. And I have to tell you something that we all know except you," even July?! My best friend? Must be a good thing then. "The boys are actually here 'till Monday, and I'm going to allow you guys to sleep together these times. I trust you Kay, I really do!" I ran over and hug her.

"Oh thank you grandma! Thank you so much!" She pays my back, and continues on reading the newspaper.

"I will bring this to court and let them see this," my grandma says motioning to the will.

"Okay!" Since I had about and hour and fifteen minutes to get ready I decided I was going to curl my hair. So I slipped on a white shirt, jeans, and a red infinity scarf. When I curl my hair it tends to take a while, so I curled my strands of hair into beautiful curls. After I was done I went into the kitchen, and are a bowl of Trix cereal. Finally it was time to get everyone up. They only had fifteen minutes, but they could manage. "Wake up," I whisper to Cade. Once his eyes open I kiss his cheek, and move over to the bed. I start shaking the bed and shouting, "earthquake! Earthquake!" Until they were finally awake and alert. "Get up! Fifteen minutes to get ready!" Immediately July sprang out of bed, skipped up the steps to the kitchen, and ran into my room. The boys give eachother a glance, and start cracking up with laughter. "Come on guys! Get going, we only have a little time." They got up. Eli started walking up the steps, but Csde was rubbing his back and neck. "You okay?"

"I guess I shouldn't sleep against a wall next time. My neck and back hurt really bad."

"We'll take it easy there, don't want you getting hurt!"

"Don't worry. But can you grandma give me a note, for Phy E.D.?"

"Sure thing," I go on my tippy toes, kiss his cheek again, and go up the stairs to tell my grandma. She said to give him some Ibuprofen and a glass of water while she wrote out the note. About 10 minutes later everyone had ate and gotten dressed. July and Eli hopped into my grandma's mini van first, so they got the back. That meant Cade and I had to have the middle.

We arrived at school, and pulled into the drop off lane. I jumped out first followed by Cade, Eli, and then July. Cade grabbed my hand, and Eli grabbed July's and we walked toward the school. Then I saw James, stopping me dead in my tracks. "It's okay, we've got your back," I turned around the see July and my whole group of girls walking behind me. I nod to them , squeeze Cade's hand, and continue walking.

"Hey! Hey! Katelyn! Can I please talk to you,"I was super scared. James wanted to talk to me! "Alone." I let Cade's hand go, and turn to all of my friends. They nodded their heads in a reassuring we-got-your-back kinda nod. Frightened, I continued over to James. "Thank you for coming over here. I just wanted to say I was super dumb for making that announcement when I could have handle that more mature. I was just really jealous," anger rose in side of me, but I pushed it out of the way.

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