On the walk there, Jean couldn't help but think about why you had asked him to meet you.

In fact, his hands were trembling, and he shoved them in his pockets at the thought of you making him nervous.

He walked quietly down the street, the impending thought of the park getting closer and closer, too much to handle.

When he finally turned the corner, and lifted his head so that his eyes met yours, he took a deep breath, shoved the memory of your rejection to the side, and continued walking towards you.

Jean was walking in your direction, hands stuffed in his pockets, and head lowered, as if he was afraid of what you might say.

You couldn't blame him.

After all, you had left him sitting at a table after he had confessed his feelings, and you hadn't spoken to him since.

You couldn't take it anymore, though. You were tired of skirting around your feelings and playing guessing games.

As Jean drew nearer, you stood up from your swing, and walked to meet him halfway.

Noticing your approach, he opened his mouth to say something.

"Y/n, about the other day. I'm sorry if I came off too stro-"

You quickly cut the boy off, grabbing the front of his sweatshirt, fisting your hands into the material, and pulling his face down to meet yours. You pressed your lips against his, practically tasting the shock that registered in his body as he froze, eyes widening.

Almost as quickly as you had shut him up, Jean melted into the kiss, brown eyes fluttering shut. The hands that he had once concealed within his pockets, he removed, and placed one on your jaw, the other on your neck, for they had stopped their trembling.

You kissed him gently, an act of emotion, to show him how you felt, rather than to say it with words.

Jean sighed into your lips, having missed your taste, and the feeling of you in his arms.

When you pulled away, resting your forehead against his, it was all too soon.

"I don't want that to be the last time we kissed either", you said breathlessly.

Jean gazed into your eyes, understanding immediately what you were referring to. What he had said just days ago.

However, a part of him thought it was too good to be true.

"What are you saying?", he asked, stroking a thumb down your jaw.

You scoffed, a small smile forming on your lips.

"Are you really gonna make me say it?"

Jean's breath was heavy, cheeks tinged pink from the chill in the air, and his flustered state.

"Yeah. I want it to be real", he said.

You took a moment, moving your hands from his sweatshirt, up his chest, and finally interlocking them behind his neck.

Jean shivered from the action.

"I like you", you whispered against his lips, reveling in the way his breath hitched, just for a moment.

"As a friend?", the boy asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"Dumbass", you smiled.

And then he kissed you, again, meeting his lips with yours.

Somehow, he managed to pull you even closer to him than you had been before.

After he pulled away, the two of you stayed like that for a while, Jean holding you as the sun set.

Eren had long faded from your mind, and Mikasa from Jean's. You assured yourself, all that remained was a twinge of unrequited love, that no longer mattered.

"You know, this is exactly like-", the boy started.

"When we watched the sunrise?"

"Yeah", he smiled.

Full circle.

After some silence, Jean spoke up again, the sun almost completely gone from the sky.

"So what does this mean for us?"

You considered this for a moment. Previous fears of being tied down resurfaced. You would never admit it, but maybe a small part of you was also hoping that this wasn't the end of your story with Eren.

"I'm not sure," you answered, thankful that you didn't have to look him in the eyes. "Can we just take things slow for now?"

"Of course", Jean said.

He coursed a hand up and down your arm. It didn't matter if you weren't ready for a relationship right now. You had already told him how you felt, and that was enough for him.

After months of pining after you, here he was, finally being truthful about his feelings. Well, most of them.

"Hey y/n."

"Hmm?", you answered, not bothering to pick your head up off of his chest.

"Next Saturday. Go on a date with me."

You tilted your head up, peering into those brown eyes.



R.I.P. Eren

Sorry for the short chapter loves, but I promise I've got some longer ones coming up!

A message to all of my Eren simps out there:
Please don't stop reading, that'll hurt my feelings :/


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