Day 14 - Sprains

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'Fat Gum!' Midoriya called out as he approached the hero in the halls of gym Gamma. 'Thanks for coming in on your day off. I really appreciate you helping me train!' Midoriya says excitedly. 'Of course! I was coming to UA anyway to go over some work study paperwork with Kirishima and Tetsutetsu' Fat gum explains. 'How's your internship with Endeavour going anyways?' Fat Gum asks. 'It's going well! Endeavour is definetly pushing us to our limits but that's a good thing i guess. We always need to be pushing our boundaries to improve as heroes' Midoriya answers with excitement, flexing his hands. 'That's one way of looking at it. I've had students in the past who have just wanted to stay in their comfort zone and I can speak from experience while the comfort zone is just that, comforting, you end up limiting yourself and being no help to anyone' Fat Gum explains.

'How about you go grab your gloves so we can start?' Fat Gum says, nudging Midoriya. 'Ah, my gloves!' Midoriya says before sprinting back down the hallway to grab his gloves from his gym bag. He pushes the door to the boys changing room open and heads to where his bag was hanging on one of the hooks. He looked at the other bags hanging up, four in total. He knew there would be other people training in gym Gamma today but it was big enough that nobody should bother him and Fat Gum. He zipped open his bag, carefully pulling his gloves out. He hung his bag back up and ran down the hallway to gym Gamma. He pushed the large double doors, seeing Fat Gum in a clearing nearby. He could hear the distant rumbles of Bakugou's explosions. He was probably training on the other side of the gym so no one would bother him.

Midoriya took a few steps away from Fat Gum. Fat Gum took a defensive stance, getting ready for what Midoriya was about to unload on him. He thought back to the message Aizawa had sent him before Midoriya had reached out. Aizawa was the one who had sent the hero in training to him. His quirk wasn't holding up to normal training anymore. He had broken the punching bag while only using 20% and most students couldn't hold up to his quirk. He was at a standstill. Aizawa had thought that Fat Gum's absorbtion quirk would be able to handle his growing quirk. It didn't take long before Midoriya surged forward, full cowling activated and landed a considerable punch to the gut, making even Fat Gum flinch at the sound rippling through the air.

Midoriya took a few steps back, looking up at Fat Gum. 'That wasn't too much?' Midoriya questioned. 'Nothing more than a tickle' Fat Gum laughed as a wide smile broke out on Midoriya's face. He didn't need to hold back anymore. He alternated arms as he punched Fat Gum with all his force. Landing blow after blow after blow while Fat Gum stood there and took it. He threw his last punch watching as his hand landed and twisted. He took a couple steps back, wincing as pain shot through his wrist, radiating up his arm. He shook his hand a couple times, trying to get the pain to dissipate. 'You okay kid?' Fat Gum questioned, closing the distance between them and grabbing Midoriya's arm.

'I think I just sprained it' Midoriya sighs. Fat Gum carefully pulls his glove off as he ushers him towards the bench. Midoriya sits down on the bench while Fat Gum kneels in front of him. 'Your hand is definetly swelling around your wrist. Can you close your hand?' Fat Gum questions. Midoriya carefully tries to close his hand, only getting his hand about halfway closed before the pain becomes too much. 'That's as far as I can get it' Midoriya says as Fat gum holds both his hands up. 'Push against my hands' Fat Gum says as Midoriya pushes against his hands. 'Your right hand isn't as strong as your left so I'd say, yeah, you've sprained it' Fat Gum says. 'Aizawa keep any ice around here?' Fat Gum questions. 'Yeah, in the back room over there' Midoriya says pointing to a door close by. Fat Gum goes and grabs an ice pack, wrapping it around Midoriya's wrist. 'I'll take you back to the dorms to rest' Fat Gum says as he grabs his jacket and throws it over his shoulder.

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