Day 13 - Poisoning

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'Maybe I've caught a cold' Midoriya mutters to himself as he grabs another blanket, wrapping himself up in the warmth. He couldn't shake the chill that had set into his bones. 'Or maybe I overdid it at training today' Midoriya says turning on his TV. He was curled up in so many blankets that you could barely tell he was in the middle of it. His body shivered uncontrollably but he could tell he was sweating under the pile. He lifted his hand up to his forehead, resting it against there gently. He was definitely burning up, he should probably call someone. 

Instead, he decided on watching a movie hoping that the pain killers he took earlier would help whatever was wrong with him. He sat peacefully in the quiet room. His stomach gurgled unhappily and he keeled over in pain. God, his stomach hurt so much. Did he eat something to make him sick? He wanted it to end. He laid in his bed miserably, listening to the movie drone on in the background as he stared at the wall. His body pricked with anxiety, making him bolt up in bed. It felt like danger sense had activated but he wasn't in danger, was he? 

'oh god' He thought as he dragged himself to the bathroom connected to his bedroom. He looked in the mirror as he passed it. His skin was pale and clammy, face drained of any colour making his freckles more obvious. He sat on the floor in front of the toilet trying to quell the nausea building in his throat. 

He gagged, leaning over the toilet preparing for the worst. He body convulsed as he lurched forward again. His mouth was bitter to the taste as he spit the saliva building up in his mouth into the toilet. He gagged again as something came up, eyes clenched tightly as his stomach clenched. His body shook as he waited for more to come up, he still felt so nauseous but nothing happened. 

He slowly unclenched his eyes, staring down at the pink-tinted foam that he had thrown up. His chest felt tight as anxiety took over. This wasn't just the start of getting sick, no, something was wrong. He sat on the floor debating what to do next. Aizawa was on patrol and he didn't really want to bother anyone in the class, it's not like any of them would know what to do anyways but he did know Present Mic was staying at the dorms this week. That was his only hope, hopefully Present Mic would know what was happening to him. 

He dragged himself out of the bathroom, grabbing a blanket off his bed and cloaking himself in it. Every step sent pain rippling through his stomach and into his chest making it hard to breathe. He walked slowly towards the elevator, pushing the button and listening to the elevator ding as the doors slide open. He would take his chances with the elevator, he couldn't fathom trying to walk up 3 flights of stairs without his body giving up on him. 

He entered the elevator pushing the button for the top floor, hoping more then anything that Present Mic was in his room. The elevator doors closed and Midoriya sunk down onto the floor. The movement of the elevator made his stomach turn as he pleaded to All Might to not throw up on the floor. The elevator doors open and Midoriya crawled out of the box, using the wall to pull himself back up. He stumbled down the hallway, leaning against the wall as he knocked on Present Mic's door. 

'Hello?' Mic says as he opens the door, seeing Midoriya huddled up. 'Are you okay little listener?' Mic says as he reaches out to hold Midoriya up. He carefully guides Midoriya into his room, quickly grabbing a chair for him to sit on. 'Have you caught something?' Mic questions noticing how pale and clammy he felt despite his hands being cold to the touch. 'I thought so but it doesn't feel like any sickness I know of' Midoriya mutters through a shiver. 

'Tell me what you feel kid' Mic says. ' I feel kind of dizzy and nauseous, My stomach hurts as well as my chest and I vomited up this pinky coloured foam earlier' Midoriya explains, curling in on himself more. Mic quickly moved around the room, guiding the younger boy to the bed to lie down, grabbing a bucket and a towel from the supply closet on their floor. 'If you feel like you're going to be sick little listener, there is a bucket here' Mic explains not sure of what to do next. 

He decided on sitting on the bed, just beside Midoriya's head and gently patting his hair. 'It'll be okay little listener' Mic soothed as Midoriya mumbled under his breath. Mic barely heard him, 'Okay' he mumbled. 'Why don't you tell me about your hero study this week?' Mic said trying to keep the kid occupied. 'Hero study' Midoriya mumbled. It was clear Mic wasn't going to get much more out of the kid. He was becoming less and less aware and Mic was becoming more and more worried about his kids health. 

Mic was trying to plan his next move when Midoriya let out a sickly gurgle and Mic quickly sprung to action. Grabbing the bucket and pushing Midoriya so he was leaned over it. The kids body lurched as foaming pink sludge dribbled into the bucket. The kid wasn't kidding. He had never seen anything like it but he was sure of one thing, that pink tinge meant she was throwing up blood. Midoriya and Mic stayed like that for a few minutes, Midoriya coughing up that horrible pink foam. Once the kid finished, he laid back down and was drifting in and out of conciousness. 

Mic put the bucket back down as a pounding on the door gave him a fright. He quickly ran to the door swinging it open. 'Mic! We have intel that the LOV may have poisoned one of the students with the intention of kidnapping them. Help me do a welfare check on all the students in our dorm' Aizawa said out of breath. He had sprinted to the dorms after hearing the news from Nezu. He had hoped it wasn't one of his kids being targeted but knowing his luck, it probably was. 

'I think I know which little listener they were targeting' Mic says nervously. 'Who? Are they okay?' Aizawa says urgently. Mic steps aside, ushering Aizawa into his room. Aizawa quickly notices the, what he assumed was sleeping, student on the bed. 'Problem child, of course' Aizawa sighs. Aizawa makes his way to the side of the bed, pushing the bucket out of the way. He gently shakes Midoriya, making him open his eyes, tiredly. 

'Are you okay kid?' Aizawa questions. Midoriya looks at him with drowsy eyes. Muttering something under his breath before closing his eyes again. Aizawa shakes him again, making him open his eyes. 'He's showing decreasing signs of consciousness and has been vomiting up blood. We need to get him to a hospital' Mic explains. 

Before Mic and Aizawa can even try to wake him again, Midoriya breathing becomes gaspy and shallow. His body twitches erratically before beginning to convulse against the bed. 'He's having a seizure, time it Hizashi' Aizawa calls, watching Midoriya as he seizes. 'You're okay kid, it's just a seizure' Aizawa reassures even though he know Midoriya can't hear him. 'It's okay, it'll be over soon kid' Aizawa sooths. His seizure stops as fast as it started. Aizawa quickly tries to rise the boy by shaking him but Midoriya doesn't respond. 

Aizawa unbuttons the top of his shirt and rubs his knuckles harshly against Midoriya's collarbone, causing the boy to stir. He opens his eyes, mumbling under his breath before falling back into unconsciousness when Aizawa stops. Aizawa picks up the unconcious boy, throwing him over his shoulder while Mic throws the blanket over Midoriya. 'Let's get him to the hospital' Aizawa sighs as they leave.

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