#23: Beer Pong House Rules

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"Most species

Bare their teeth

As a threat

As a display

Of aggression

Of leadership

It is a reminder

That these

Clenched jaws

Can and will

Open your

Yielding throat

I want you to think of this

The next time I smile."


It was mission time.

Two minutes to midnight, all hands-on deck, red alert, go time.

Beth was running around covering last minute issues while I stood in front of the Avengers ignoring the smug looks on each of their attractive faces. Natasha was dressed up in a gorgeous black, long sleeve dress with her medium length red hair curled and bright red lipstick. Bruce had on a nice black suit and the tie I had gifted him for Christmas. Clint wore a black leather jacket over a dark purple henley. It wasn't a suit, but he did have on dark jeans instead of sweatpants, so I took it as a win. Tony had on a dark blazer over one of his band shirts and a pair of red tinted glasses. There was no winning with him, and the public was well aware of how he was, so I didn't even bother. Lastly, Steve had on a blue and white plaid button up shirt tucked into khakis. It wasn't my favorite look on him, but he looked downright all-American.

"Okay", I flipped through a few papers on the clipboard I held, "Each of you will start with a reporter and after five minutes they'll cycle through. I've given them a specific list of topics they are not allowed to ask about. If they do, wave me over and I'll crack some skulls." I heard them snicker, but I didn't look up from my paper. "Beth will also be circling around, let her know if you need anything, but her task is to mostly snap some pictures of our own."

Clint cleared his throat, "If they ask me about your relationship to me, can I confirm that you are in fact my long-lost child from a failed relationship in my earlier years?"

"First off, I 100% know you started that rumor in the tabloids." I pointed at him, ignoring his smirk, "Secondly, if you confirm anything that isn't factual I will murder you in front of God and all those reporters."

Tony chuckled and stepped away from the group, "I'm no press rookie, save the scolding—"

"Oh, no, no. Pepper specifically warned me about your press experience and gave me the advice of scolding you twice over." I replied. "This is the first Avengers press reveal where all of you are here together officially answering questions, and I will not be the idiot PR officer who fucked it up."

Bruce clasped a comforting hand on my shoulder, "Everything will go fine. You've done a great job here, Aj."

"I know things will go fine with you. You and Nat." I turned to the boys. "My concern is with them."

Clint and Tony shrugged, but Steve held a hand to his chest in mock hurt, "I'm on your shit list?"

"Don't act so innocent. You're just as bad as them sometimes. The only difference is you're smart enough not to get caught." I argued. Steve smirked while Clint and Tony immediately began to argue otherwise.

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