Trial (Finale)

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A week passed and it was time for the trial. Puffy had been keeping a close eye on Tommy, Tubbo slept over most nights to make sure Tommy was safe, Sam tried to stop in every now and then, and Tommy's family was there pretty much every day. Tommy himself was not going to go to the trial, Puffy had outright refused to allow Tommy anywhere near Dream, and for good reason, but that meant Tubbo would go in his place and explain the condition of his friend. Puffy would stay with Tommy at her house, and Sam would keep her updated as the trial went on. That was her agreement, though Puffy still wanted to go to the trial just to beat the snot outta Dream.

The trial began, Dream versus Tommy trial. The charges were neglect, child abuse, torture, kidnapping, etc. Dream's defense "lawyer" was George, the prosecutor was Sam, the judge was Warden, witnesses were Wilbur, Phil, Techno, and Tubbo. The "court reporter" was awkwardly sitting in the corner with his quill and paper, Ranboo was mainly here as a way for Sam to keep an eye on the kid since he was more or less his temporary guardian.

One by one, the witnesses went up to the stand and stated their cases against Dream, explaining the phycological damage he caused Tommy, the conditions he was found in, and so on. From the witness's standpoint, it seemed very cut and dry. There was no way Dream could weasel his way out of this one. Dream walked up to the stand, he wasn't wearing his usual ceramic smiley mask for once. Everyone could see his face, plain as day. Emerald green eyes, dirty blond hair, pale skin with freckles, and a soulless smile wide enough to match his usual mask. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" Warden asked. "I do." Dream said calmly.

Sam started the questions. "Are you responsible for the phycological, physical, and/or emotional damage that Thomathy Minecraft, commonly known as Tommyinnit, endured in the past month due to knowingly trapping and isolating him in an underground room?" Sam did his best not to let his anger show as he asked the question. Dream looked Sam dead in the eyes with that soulless smile and without missing a beat said "No.". Techno had to be physically restrained by Phil so he wouldn't kill the green teletubby on the spot, Wilbur was shaking with rage, Tubbo looked on in shock, even Sam looked taken aback. "To be clear, you are claiming that you are not responsible for any of the charges against you...?" "Correct." "Care to explain to the court why you say this?" Dream's smile seemed to widen at the prompt. "Gladly."

Dream's eyes quickly scanned across the people present then locked eyes with Wilbur. "I have done nothing to hurt Tommy, I haven't seen him since he disappeared, same as everyone else." Dream shrugged, casual as ever. "Wilbur, Philza, and Technoblade all said said that you were the one to lead them to find Tommy." "You mean when Techno chased me down, broke my mask, then threatened me with an axe?" Dream retorted. "The only thing you have against me is Tommy's direct family saying I did something, so unless you have someone with an unbiased statement there's no evidence I even led them anywhere."

The courtroom went silent, they expected Dream to try and weasel his way out of getting arrested but no one expected that kind of counter. To the Minecraft family's relief, Sam held up a hand. "Even if we can't prove that you were the one who led them to find Tommy, after investigating the hole Tommy was in we found your signature smiley carved into the walls, we have a motive, and we have communicator records that we pulled that lines up with the timeline of you leading them to the hole." Sam pulled up a Comm screen showing a timestamp and a message from George to Dream saying "Heads up, Tommy's other brother is on his way to the castle and he's looking for you.".

George looked irritated, he forgot people can access the Comms log, even if it's /whisper, when investigating crimes. He was running out of options.

The trial had been going on for 59 minutes, everyone had stated their cases, there was some back and forth between the prosecution and the defense, but the gavel hit the block on Warden's judge stand. "I've heard enough." Warden's firm voice shushed the court that was arguing again. Everyone sat down in their seats and watched Warden as he looked down at the people present. George was nervous, he could guess the result and it wasn't looking good for Dream. Wilbur was just staring down the judge, waiting for him to send Dream to jail already.

The Warden stood, took a breath, and began to speak. "I hereby find Dream Was Taken-" He paused to make eye contact with Dream. "Guilty." Warden said with a glare. Sam pulled a trident out of his inventory and pointed it at Dream. "You are under arrest. Empty your inventory and put your hands where I can see them." He ordered. Dream gritted his teeth but did as told, dumping out his inventory. He put his cracked clay smiley mask back on then glared at the Minecraft family as he was taken away.

Tubbo, along with the entire Minecraft family, ran all the way back to Puffy's house to tell her and Tommy the good news in person. They got to the house and was greeted at the door with an already excited Puffy, turns out Sam had sent her a message right as the verdict was given. Tommy was standing not far behind Puffy, also obviously happy. He was more relieved than anything.

Tommy had been worried that Dream might not show up for the trial or, worse yet, win the trial through some bullshittery. But Dream lost, and was in prison now. He was so relieved, his family went over to him and hugged him, all of them happy that justice was served. Tommy still hadn't spoken since being at Puffy's house, but being showered with love and affection by his loved ones, it felt natural as his gritty voice from lack of us muttered to his friends and family. "Thank you, I love you guys." and cried happy tears.



I just wanna thank everyone who finished reading my book, or at least gave it a shot. I have a new book in the works, so if it's already out and you like my writing style why not give it a look?

That's a wrap for Missing-- An SBI Fanfic, see ya next time


I altered the a/n because I lost motivation for the Royalboo book like... a while ago and am actually working on a Tommy centric vigilante/coffeeshop thing. Basically the usual: Tommy's a vigilante, the rest of SBI are heroes, he has his roommates Tubbo and Ranboo, and Dream is big bad. I know it's not that original but I feel it's worth a read. Updates are slow but give it a look and see if you're interested.

I just posted the first chapter so let's see how it goes.

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