What Next?

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A few days passed since Tommy had been found, Wilbur had given permission for Tubbo to visit whenever he'd like but that was pretty much the only change. Tommy was still cautious about trusting his senses so whenever someone wanted to talk to him they had to let him make sure they were real, usually just touching their hand or patting them on the head. Tommy's discomfort around Phil faded around the second day, which was a relief to the father.

Wilbur still slept in Tommy's room, he set up a sleeping bag on the floor so he didn't have to sleep in an uncomfortable chair or something. Phil moved to the guest room so Techno could use Wilbur's room instead of sleeping on the couch. It might not make the most sense but it worked for them.

Four days since they got Tommy back, Techno called a meeting with Wilbur and Phil. Tommy wasn't great with being alone but he was asleep at the time. "What's up, mate?" Phil asked, starting up the conversation since neither of his sons seemed to be willing to. "We all know who is responsible for the state Tommy's in, I don't know about you guys but I'm not willing to let that slide. My question is what our next move is going to be." Techno's normally bland voice leaked pure hatred in his tone, his eyes burning with anger. "I agree with you. He's scared his reality could slip away at any moment, Dream broke him. He's so quiet now... it hurts to see him so fragile." Wilbur joined in. He wanted make Tommy feel better again but that would take time, once Tommy got better he would want to go back to his normal life, Wilbur knew that much. He also knew there would be a risk of Tommy being hurt again as long as that green teletubby was still out there.

Phil looked between his two oldest sons and sighed. "I understand. We need to think this through first. If we just kill him then he can just respawn somewhere else. He also has George and Sapnap on his side that we need to be aware of. If we want to stop him, we need a place to keep him." Phil was originally from a hardcore server but he knew you could respawn on the DreamSMP, not something he was very used to but something he reminded himself when dealing with other people.

Techno thought about it for a second. "We could lock him in the hole he trapped Tommy in." He said bitterly. "That might work temporarily, but it's a little too far to work long term. Is there a prison on this server?" Phil asked, aiming his question at Wilbur. "Actually there is. No one has been arrested yet but the Warden, Sam, maintains it. The prison is actually huge." Techno looked at Wilbur. "I thought his name was 'Awesamdude' or something." Techno questioned. "No, there are three Sams on the server. We have the Sam you met who brought us healing potions, great with redstone. We have the Warden who is Sam's older brother, not great conversationalist but he gets the job done. Then we have Sam Nook, the youngest of the three, he likes giving out tasks to keep the younger kids on the server happy. He and Tommy were pretty close now that I think about it." Wilbur explained.

Techno didn't like the sound of the prison because where there is a jail system, there's a government. "So how would you arrest someone to put in this prison?" He asked, his skeptical tone giving away his dislike for the idea. "Normally we would go to court, have a judge hear both sides of the story, then depending on the verdict the person either gets off the hook or is punished. Dream probably won't agree to it though and we haven't established a police force yet so we don't even have a way to catch him." Wilbur was getting frustrated as he thought about it. "I can handle bringing him in, if this prison is the best way to keep him contained then I'll work with your "government" on this." Techno obviously didn't like the idea, he didn't even bother trying to cover it up, but he was willing to go with it for Tommy's sake.

Phil looked at Techno with a slightly proud expression, he knew Techno cared deeply for his family and would do anything to keep them safe. "Do we need to set up a court date or do we just show up and have a trial?" Phil asked, he's from a hardcore server so he isn't that educated on the government. "We need to talk to the Warden because he's the only person qualified to be a judge. We can find him near the prison or with Sam, so we can start with that." Wilbur informed then grabbed his trench coat from the coat rack. "Let's go get this started."

The three eldest of the family left the house in search of the Warden, leaving the sleeping Tommy alone. None of them thought to have someone there because once Tommy's sleeping he's usually asleep for hours. Wilbur was so worked up about getting vengeance on Dream that he completely forgot his promise not to leave Tommy's side.


Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter, I got writers block mid way through. Next chapter will be longer

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