Mother Puffy

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Captain Puffy had just left, she felt a little bad about leaving the boys unattended but she had a bone to pick with Wilbur. Puffy always had a knack for tracking people down, so she decided to ask around. Her first stop was her friend Awesamdude's house. She knocked on the front door and waited.

Sam opened the door and looked at her with surprise. "Hello Puffy, how are you?" He asked, slightly tense. "I'm alright, but someone else is not going to be once I find them." She said, a spiteful tone slipping into her voice. Sam wasn't expecting Puffy to sound like that, he straightened his posture and got more serious. "What's going on and who are you looking for?" Sam was always reliable in a pinch, Puffy was grateful for that. "I don't know the whole story, I won't try to explain because I don't want to spread false information, but I'm looking for Wilbur." Puffy explained.

Footsteps were heard inside and 4 figures came to the door. The Warden, a pink haired guy, an older man dressed in green... and Wilbur. "You said you were looking for me?" Wilbur seemed irritated to be interrupted from the whatever he had been doing. "Wilbur Soot. I know we don't know each other too well but I really thought you would be more responsible than this." Puffy was pissed. "What did I do?" Wilbur was still irritated but seemed a bit confused, he had no idea what he could have done to get on Puffy's bad side.

Wilbur's response seemed to make Puffy more angry. " "What did I do?" Oh, I don't know. Maybe you can explain to me why I found your brother staggering around outside on his own having a panic attack!" She shouted, getting up in Wilbur's face.

The mention of Tommy got the attention of the people Puffy didn't recognize. "Tommy was outside?" The green one pipped up. "He was sleeping when we left, he should've been fine." Wilbur's irritated behavior was gone in an instant, he seemed slightly panicked. "Where is he now?" The pink one asked. "I don't know you, how are you associated with Tommy?" Puffy wasn't going to tell these complete strangers anything.

The green one unfolded wings Puffy hadn't noticed before and walked closer. "I am Philza Minecraft, Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy's father." He said with authority. From that Puffy could guess the pink guy was Techno. "The father and both of the brothers, none of you had the sense to stay and watch over him?" Puffy looked disgusted. "And you call yourselves his family. I don't care who you think you are to him, Tommy is staying under my care from now on. If you want to see him, you'll have to wait. You've done enough damage already." Puffy couldn't just stand by and let them take Tommy back, mistakes like this were bound to happen again and when they do Tommy might not recover.

Philza got defensive, who was this random woman to take his son from him? "You can't just claim guardianship of a child. I am his father, I have a right to see him." Philza insisted. "A right? You talk like you've actually been around in the past years. You claim to be his father but you have never been around. As far as I'm concerned you're a total stranger. That goes to you too, Pinky." She glances at the pinkette standing at the back of the group.

Wilbur's eyes were trained at the ground. He knew everything Puffy was saying was true. He was a sorry excuse for a brother. "I understand. Please take care of Tommy, let him know I'm sorry for letting him down again." Wilbur looked defeated, he didn't raise his gaze as he slowly left the house. Philza looked shocked, Techno's blank expression didn't change much but he did look a bit confused.

Puffy stood there for a bit, waiting for a comment from Philza or Techno. Philza didn't say anything else, instead he went after Wilbur to try and figure out why he gave up so quickly, leaving Techno there with Puffy and the Sams. "Got anything else to say?" Puffy asked, eyeing Techno down. "Just this. Do not let Dream anywhere near Tommy." He said lowly as he passed, following wherever the other two went.

Puffy watched the group leave then turned to face the Sams. "If either of you knows the full situation, please explain. If not, I have to head home." Puffy didn't want to push her hostility towards the Sams so she did her best to calm down as she spoke. "As you know, Tommy went missing for a month. They found out Dream was the reason and got Tommy back after he was stuck underground in isolation the whole time. They wanted to punish Dream so they came here to ask Warden about it." Sam explained.

Puffy simply nodded and headed out. "You know where I live, swing by for a visit sometime. Nook and Tommy were friends, right? He should visit too." Puffy called over her shoulder as she left. It wasn't long until Puffy got back to her house, walking towards the house was Dream. He paused when he saw her and waved. "Hey, Puffy. It's been a while." He said kindly, his tone revealing nothing. "Dream, you rarely visit. What brings you here?" Puffy hid her suspicion well, but Dream caught on. "Just happened to be in the area and thought I should come by and say hi."

The casual tone Dream held only furthered Puffy's suspicion. "I'm sorry but I'm busy, I don't have time to chat today." Puffy feigned exhaustion as she spoke. "Sorry to hear that, maybe another time." Dream scratched the back of his head as he walked away. "I'll stop by tomorrow, bye." He said cheerily as he walked out of sight.

Puffy let the fake expression of sadness fade, she's not one to distrust people for no reason but Dream was acting out of character. Puffy narrowed her eyes and sighed. More problems to deal with, but it would have to wait. Puffy headed inside the house and went to check on the boys.


Mother Puffy and Awesamdad are great, I love them.

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