Too Little Too Late

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After nearly an hour of walking, the group reached a clearing in a forest. A single dandelion sat by a one by one hole in the ground. Dream pointed to the hole and spoke for the first time since they started walking. "He's in there. It's the only entrance or exit to the room. Goes down a good twenty five feet. Only way out is by enderpearl or trident and water bucket." Dream glanced at Techno, hoping he'd let him go before getting Tommy.

Wilbur walked over to the hole and looked down, about five feet down there was an iron trap door then a large room but it was too dark to see if anything was in there. Wilbur looked at Dream, hatred filled his gaze but his tone was flat. "The trapdoor, open it." Wilbur demanded. Dream hated being bossed around but as the saying goes, "When being threatened with an axe,". Dream removed the dandelion and put a lever in it's place. One flick of the lever and the trapdoor opened.

Without a second thought, Wilbur dropped an enderpearl in the hole, teleporting him inside. He pulled out a torch and lit it, the light grew and illuminated the room, revealing the most heartbreaking thing he had ever seen.

Tucked into a corner of this dark room sat Tommy. His normally bright blue eyes a dull gray, his fluffy golden locks matted and unwashed, his clothes covered in grime and what could possibly be blood. The only sign that he was alive was the faint sound of breathing. His expression was blank, as if he didn't notice Wilbur's arrival. Wilbur carefully approached his brother, sticking the torch into a hole in the wall before crouching in front of the shell of a boy. "T-... Tommy?" Wilbur asked quietly, he carefully set a hand on the boy's shoulder in hopes to get a response.

No verbal response. Tommy didn't speak, but he did move slightly, he slowly moved his head and looked at Wilbur's hand then sat there in silence. Unsure of what else to do, Wilbur tried to pick up the broken boy. Tommy didn't resist, he was just limp in his brother's arms. Wilbur pulled out another ender pearl and chucked it out the small hole in the ceiling, appearing on the surface with his little brother cradled in his arms. 

Techno watched in horror as Wilbur carefully held the youngest of their family who even barely looked alive. Phil rushed over to the pair and gently took one of Tommy's hands, shocked by how small and frail it felt. That's when Techno's voices went off.


IS HE DEAD?!?!?!







Techno was practically seeing red. He looked over at Dream, absolutely ready to kill the little shit but before he got the chance the masked man teleported away. Techno hadn't seen him throw an enderpearl, he must have had someone waiting with a stasis chamber. Techno was tempted, more like prompted, to make chase but he didn't know where Dream would have teleported and he didn't have time to find out.

Techno shook his head then turned to face his family. Wilbur was still holding Tommy close, Phil was looking him over as best he could without disturbing the boys. Techno sighed and walked over to the trio. "Let's get him home so we can get him some medical help. I can only imagine what being trapped in there for that long must've done to his body, let alone his mind." Techno said gently.

Wilbur looked up at Techno and nodded slowly. Phil tried to helped Wilbur by carrying Tommy but Wilbur refused to let either of the others take Tommy. Another hour of walking later and they were back in L'Manburg, at some point during the walk Tommy's eyes closed and he appeared to be sleeping. They just barely made it past the entrance before getting spotted by Awesamdude. 

Sam noticed Wilbur carrying Tommy and immediately ran over. "You found him!" He said quietly, seeing how tired Wilbur looked and how Tommy looked to be unconscious. Wilbur nodded and kept walking, clearly headed for his house. "I'll get you some healing potions and bring them over, see you in a bit." Sam said hurriedly then ran off in the direction of his house, presumably going to get healing potions for Tommy and Wilbur.

The family reached Wilbur's house and Wilbur took Tommy straight to his room, the others followed close behind. Wilbur set Tommy down on the bed as gently as possible then closed all the blinds, with how dark it was in that room all that light must hurt. Phil stood at the base of the bed, Techno stood by the door, and Wilbur went to grab the first-aid kit from the bathroom. 

An hour passed, then two, eventually it was night. Sam had stopped by with the healing potions and a couple of questions. All Wilbur told him was that Dream did it. Sam asked if he could tell the others that they found Tommy, Wilbur said yes but also asked that they don't see him for a while. He wasn't sure he'd be willing to let anyone near his baby brother until he was sure he was ok, even after that he might not want people near Tommy. 

Wilbur refused to leave Tommy's side that night. He stayed on the floor in Tommy's room to make sure he was there in case anything happened. Phil got to use Wilbur's room, which was right next to Tommy's room. Techno had the choice of the guest room or the couch, he picked the couch because it was closer to Tommy's room. 

That night was a restless one for Phil, he was practically drowning in the guilt know that his youngest son had been missing for an entire month and he had no idea. If he was less of a wanderer then maybe someone could have tracked him down and told him what happened. He felt guilty, but he wasn't going to let that get in the way of him being there for his sons now when they needed him the most.

Techno rarely slept in general so it was unsurprising that he spent most of the night sitting on the couch listening intently for any signs of distress. 

Silence settled over the house, leaving a solemn sense of near calm. Thanks to Techno and Phil, Tommy was home. Sadly they were too little too late to save him from breaking. All they could do now was try to reverse the damage that had been done.

Missing-- An SBI FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant