Chapter 10

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Her thighs squeezed against my head and I could feel her muscles quiver while Zoey came on my tongue once again. She had sworn she didn’t have another orgasm left in her, but I wasn’t about to give up. I learned a thing or two over the years and I knew exactly how to get her where I wanted her. My name fell off her lips along with a few other choice words and her fingers were buried in my hair, pulling me away and pushing me further into her at the same time. She couldn’t figure out what she wanted and I loved it.

“Such a good girl, such a fucking good girl, Zoey.” I dropped her legs and sat up, taking a look at the goddess that was sprawled out on the bed. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and then licked the remaining sweetness while she looked at me with hooded eyelids.

“I can’t believe you were able to get that out of me. I’ve never had that many orgasms without assistance and extra play items involved.”

“I’m not against extra play items, but damn your pussy tastes good.”

“You’re not so bad yourself, Sport,” she teased me while grabbing my hand and pulling me up to be near her. I settled into Zoey’s arms and relished in the feeling of our naked bodies touching. For the last few hours, we had shared the most personal moments and with the addition of the sheet that was pulled on top of us, we were holding each other in one of the most intimate ways.

I couldn’t help but continue to kiss against her bare shoulder and watch as her chest rose and fell under the sheet. I felt so comfortable that for a moment I almost forgot that this relationship, or whatever we were calling it, was only about a week old. Our chemistry was through the roof, proof of that just took place. “What are you thinking about, Zoey?” 

I walked my fingers over her midriff until I met her hand, our fingers interlocked and Zoey brought the conjoined hands to her mouth for a kiss before resting them against her stomach once again. “A lot of things, probably things I shouldn’t mention crossing my mind after the things we just did. Also thinking about how good you feel right here next to me in my bed.”

“I was thinking the same thing. Do you want to talk about the other stuff though? You know I’ll listen to whatever you want to talk about.”

She sighs for a moment before speaking, “Not so much something I want to say to you, but maybe more so what I’d like to talk to you about and ask you about.”

“I’m an open book for you, Zoey.”

“Not just open legs?” She said in a teasing and flirty voice. I use my other hand to tickle her side and she squirms against my touch and squeals. “No, no! I’m super ticklish.”

“I’ll have to keep that in mind for another time,” I press my lips against her shoulder once more. “I’m serious though, Zo, what’s going on?”

“I know you didn’t want to talk about it last week when I offered you a drink. Since we’ve been talking this week you’ve dropped a few hits and I think I’ve pieced together enough of the story, but I didn’t want to come to my own conclusions, I’d like to hear it directly from you.”

I knew this topic would come back eventually. She was right, a few times in our late-night conversations I had dropped hints about my relationship with Sami and how I reacted when it was over. She knew I was seeing a therapist, but that didn’t seem to phase her because she admitted right away that she frequents one as well. All of a sudden I felt a tightness in my chest. Slowly I sat up, leaning more against the headboard now. Zoey followed suit and pulled the sheet up once again so we were both covered.

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