Chapter 11

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When my alarm started to go off on Monday morning, I didn’t have my normal dread that came with having to get up early. Not that I was going to become a morning person all of a sudden, especially on a Monday, but the warmth of the body pressed up against mine brought an immediate smile to my face. Hattie spending the night had started as unintentional. After telling me about her demons and the struggle she had after her last break-up, I knew that I needed to reward her for being open and honest with me. The exhaustion finally got the best of us and we fell asleep.

When I woke up a couple of hours later to use the bathroom, Hattie ended up waking up. She was sitting on the edge of the bed when I got out of the bathroom. It was probably the only time there was weird awkwardness between us. She knew I had to get up early for work but before she could get the words out of her mouth that she should leave, I asked her to stay. I didn’t have to do much to convince her that it was a good idea. After getting her a pair of shorts and a tank top, we curled back up in bed and fell back asleep.

Normally I would have hit the snooze button, but I was wide awake, watching the way the soft glow of the rising sun played on the face and hair. She was gorgeous, her features so soft. I could probably just watch her forever, but it would be difficult not to touch. Once I started to move to get out of bed, Hattie stirred in her sleep and then opened her eyes.

“You’re getting up?” She asked in a groggy voice. “The sun isn’t even up all the way.”

“I know, the life of a teacher. I didn’t mean to wake you though. I need to take a shower if you wanted to get a little more sleep.”

She sat up in bed, her arms stretching over her head with a huge yawn. “I’m a super light sleeper so I probably couldn’t go back to sleep anyway. I guess I have to be heading out if you are too.”

I made my way to her side of the bed and stood between her legs. Hattie’s hands ran up my legs, settling on both of my ass cheeks. I couldn’t deny that her hands on my body once again were driving me wild, but I knew I didn’t have time for any early morning fun, although I knew it would probably only take her mere minutes to bring me to an orgasm. “I hate for you to think I’m kicking you out. Waking up with you next to me was pretty great.”

“You’re not kicking me out, baby. Don’t worry about me. How about I make some coffee while you’re in the shower?”

“Sounds a lot like you’re spoiling me, but I won’t say no to that. You can borrow some leggings or sweatpants if you want. Not that I mind seeing your ass in those cotton shorts.”

Hattie squeezes my ass again, “If we’re going to start talking about asses them I’m going to need you to take a personal day while I explore yours a little more.”

“I don’t know, Miss Morris, isn’t there a rule about no ass play until the 10th date?” I say with a smirk while leaning down to kiss her.

“I always did hate rules.”

There was no doubt a goofy smile plastered on my face during the entire time I was in the shower, getting ready for work, enjoying my morning coffee, and all the way the drive to school. I hated saying goodbye to Hattie, but taking the day off was just not something I could do. We both knew that, but the fantasy of spending the entire day in bed with her was something that would get me through the day. 

By the time my lunch period came around, the two cups of coffee had worn off and I was looking forward to a Diet Coke to go along with my chicken salad to refuel me for the rest of the day. My morning classes were a bit more difficult, but my afternoon classes were my favorites, especially with the creative writing classes that I taught. I had just finished my lunch when I heard a soft knock on my door, when I looked up I saw Mercy poking her head in the door.

“Miss Lesnar?” I waved her in while wiping my face and running my tongue over my teeth hoping that nothing was stuck to them. “I know you’re on your lunch break, but I was hoping we could talk.”

“Of course we can! I was just finishing up. Come take a seat, Mercy.”

She sat down at the table in the back that I used for small group instruction and pulled out a small journal that I knew she used as her notes for the story she was writing. “Do you think we could talk about the contest a little more?”

“Anything you want. Did you have an idea on what story you’d like to enter?”

“I went through the ones that I had already written or started, but none of them felt right. Do you think I would have time to write something brand new?”

“I think it is doable, for sure, but it will take more time. Were you thinking short story or novel?”

“I want to enter a full novel. I have an idea of something that I’ve been jotting notes down for a while now. I just couldn’t put all of the pieces together. This last week some things just clicked and I even started writing.”

“That’s great, Mercy! Do you want to tell me about it?”

“That and I was hoping that you could help me with editing and stuff. I don’t have anything typed out yet, but I was thinking I could start it. My sister offered to read through it too, but I don’t really want her to know about the story yet.”

“Oh? Mind if I ask why? I know there are a lot of ways to interpret young adult but…”

“No, not like that. Sorry, that came off wrong. The story is going to be loosely based on some things that I’ve gone through in my life, but from the point of view of the older sibling.”

“I see, so Rosemary is going to be your protagonist?”

“The idea of Rosemary,” she emphasizes with quotation marks, “but yes. I want the story to be done before I share it with her. That means I can’t have her read through it or bounce ideas off of her.”

“I love this idea, Mercy. You know me, I’m available to help whether you want to brainstorm with me or want me to edit.”

“Thank you so much, Miss Lesnar. This is probably one of the coolest things that I’ve done. I hope I win!”

“I hope you do too. Did you want me to look at anything right now?”

She looks down at her notebook and shakes her head, “Um, no not right now. Let me get some chapters down and I’ll print them out for you.”

“Sounds like a plan, Mercy!” We stand together and I start to walk to the door with her. “Any big plans this week?”

“Not really. Just working at the studio. Did you come by and get your bowl yet?’

“Not yet. It is going to get glazed before it is ready for me.”

“You already came in and painted it? I didn’t see you.”

“Um.” I stop in my tracks, realizing my mistake at that moment. Hattie has told me that her family was really close, but I don’t know if that means people know we’re seeing each other and that certainly feels like a line that I don’t want to cross with a student. “I guess I just missed you.”

She glances at me and I see the wheels moving in her brain. I say a silent prayer that she doesn’t ask any more questions. Mercy begins to open her mouth to say something, but the bell rings and her open mouth just turns into a smile instead. “I guess I better get going. I’ll see you next period, Miss Lesnar.”

“Bye, Mercy. I can’t wait to read what you write.”


I watch her walk through the now busy hallway and take a deep ofbreath of relief. This was not something they covered in college or student teaching.

My Own Direction (Wilkins Brothers Book #5) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora