Part 182: Pure Camp

Start from the beginning

"I'm surprised to hear you say that. Don't you types always say it's not really God's will to do these things?" Kayla said.

"Oh, of course, that's so Old Testament," Shine said, "We don't do things like that. People are not so simple now. But all that was made possible because of Jesus--that's what we believe. I've seen it work, too. Not that anyone ever believes me when I say that...but, I don't know, people can be misguided, but if they truly think it's God, then if God shows them it wasn't, they may abandon their course. It's worked many, many times. It is easier to convince most people who worship some kind of god that they are worshiping the wrong one, then it is to convince someone who despises the idea of god because they think they have it figured out. The hubris of skeptics is quite beyond me. I live in the age of reason and doubt, same as you--well, sort of. To me, quirks are the next rational step in a list of folly, a step down the stair, mind you. Because once we've said we're smarter than God and better than God, what else is there to do but snatch at godlike powers and become gods ourselves? If we can. What else is a quirk?"

"But that is not what we do," Kayla said.

"Oh, I think your group is even worse," Shine said, "because you don't have the honesty to admit you're the same as the quirked people. You are just as arrogant, hateful, and vengeful as them. More so, even, because you all think you are the victims here. If what you say is true, then they are victims of science or nature or some weird combination of both. You want to purge them or cure them, and I guess I understand that, but you treat them like less than animals. Not your brothers and sisters who are just under some terrible curse. And for that, I despise your group. I'd have nothing to do with any God or any group that denies people compassion. And you, Kayla, are worst of all. You keep your power because you know it's not really what determines who you are, and if you're a good person or not, but you wouldn't stop it from happening to someone else. We call that being a coward, in my country."

Kayla was silent for a long moment. She wiped some tears away.

The other weren't sure why she was upset, but Shine's tone had told them it was serious, and they didn't interrupt.

"You don't understand," Kayla said finally, sounding watery, "This is all I've known. If that's all wrong, I don't know anything else. And how can it all be wrong? Quirks cause a lot of problems...and you, you don't have one."

"But I do not hate people who do. I don't care," Shine said, "I am sorry for them, if it causes them problem, but I have the gift of being able to help them, which is precious to me to have. There's so much pain in this world, Kayla, I want to make it better. That's how I handle it... Either you can help, or you can do nothing, or you can add to it. Doing nothing is adding to it, however. That guy, there," she meant Shigaraki, "could tell you that, I've no doubt. Quirks are not worse than any other problem we have as humans. As I see it, they are just extensions of our nature. Evil and Good gifts and tendencies are part of us anyway. Quirks have put a physical manifestation of it out there. Who knows? My homeland may do the same. I know others that have... What you ought to understand is that it does not make any difference whatsoever. Why hurt when you can heal? That is what I think. I mean, even if helping is taking a knife and doing surgery sometimes, it's not the same as hurting."

Kayla wiped her face some more. She was quiet for a while. Finally she said, "Maybe we're not the same."

"If you give up that fast, I don't think we are," Shine said grimly, "if you accept that as all you're going to be. Maybe, though, this was for a reason."

Kayla nodded. "Yeah...maybe... I'll think about what you said. Fair enough? But don't ask me to like all these freaks."

"I don't think you should call them freaks. You're one of them," Shine said, "I am not...but I don't call them freaks, do I? I could judge you too. But I'm not. I don't exalt myself above all of you because I'm 'pure', which is a ridiculous term for regular humans. We are far from pure. I'm pure because I was made clean by the Lord, not because I don't have some second rate superpower. I'd be as dirty as anyone else without that. And the thing is, Kayla, I'm satisfied. I'm still growing, but I'm not hateful towards myself or anyone else because of what I am. I'd say that's a good sign it's working. Can you say the same about what your people think?"

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