Sneaking Out

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Mya P.O.V.

After my "punishment" people haven't been talking to me...besides Pat. They stare at me like they're afraid of beat them.

"Pat I'm going for a walk.", I told her.

"Ok I'll come with you."

"No I wanna go alone.", I said.

I couldn't take the stares.

I exited the room and walked into the hallway. I spotted a window at the end and ran to it. I wasn't planning on escaping. I just needed some air. Pat told me she's done this a few times and she showed me how. I unscrews the loose bolt on the top and the rest came off easily. I placed it back leaving the bolt where I could see it and ran off. It felt so good to be free. I was thinking about going home but thought against it. Too much bad memories. I knew a place I could go and release my energy. I haven't been there in a while. The dance studio. I ran there until my heart couldn't take it. I went on the front steps and entered breathing in the air of the place that I considered a second home. I took my phone out my pocket and set it on the floor. I turned on a Hip Hop instrumental and began to dance. I danced all the pain, the hurt, the grief. All of that was washed away.

But....I felt a presence. Like someone was watching me. I shrugged it off. It was getting stuffy so I had to go downstairs and change the temperature. I hated going downstairs. All of those creepy bugs that could crawl on you any moment. Ugh. I went down the creaky staircase and turned on the light. I gasped.

What I saw horrified me. I couldn't even comprehend.

"You!", I screamed.

Before I knew it a hand collided with my face and everything went black.


Short chappie! But I uploaded 2 so cut me some slack. You guys are close. I'll reveal who kidnapped the kids in the next chapter.

The Color of My Skin (A Princeton Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora