Epilogue Part 1

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Mya P.O.V.

"Thank you. Come again.", I said.

"Hi my name is Julie and I've just wanted to say that I really love your book. It really inspires me that you've faced this difficulty. I just love the love and loss that you've faced. I've been dealing with the same dilemma and this is a great backbone for me.", she said.

I smiled at her.

"Thank you Julie. Whatever your facing, trust me. It gets better.", I said as I signed my book.

She smiled. I continued to sign books until Jacob came in.

"Alright everyone. Break time.", he called.

Multiple people sighed as they walked away.

"Thank you baby.", I said as I kissed him.

"No problem. It was getting crowded.", he said.

I looked at my belly and noticed how big it was getting. Then suddenly I felt a kick.

"Baby look. The baby's kicking.", I gasped.

He felt it as the baby kicked harder. I ignored the pain and enjoyed the moment. Soon my child would be born.

The Color of My Skin (A Princeton Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora