I Thought You Loved Me

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Mya P.O.V.

I was happy to see Jacob and mini-Jacob were getting along. It took my mind off the previous events. I sat in the middle of the two Jacobs. Jacob put his arm around me. I saw mini-Jacob scowl but he covered it when he looked at me. Jacob kissed my neck. I pushed him back and eyed him. I didn't want to get romantic in front of a 13 year old. He begged with his eyes but I shook my head.

"You are really pretty Mya.", mini- Jacob said.

"Thanks Jacob. Your so sweet.", I said.

Jacob eyed mini- Jacob. If looks could kill mini- Jacob would be six feet underground.

"I'm gonna uh make something. What do you guys want?", I said.

"Can I have a taco please?", asked Jacob.

"Yea uh I want a taco too!", added mini- Jacob.

I nodded and headed into the kitchen.

Jacob P.O.V.

"Listen kid. I don't care what you've been through because you don't act like you've been through an ordeal. I know what your trying to do and it's not gonna work. Your 13 and I'm 16. Mya doesn't want a little kid like you. Get it through your big head. She doesn't like you.", I whispered.

He laughed.

"Oh Jacob. Even though we have the same name, were nothing alike. Even though I'm younger, I have a bigger IQ in my finger than you have in your entire body. So get it through your big head. Mya doesn't like you. It's only a matter of time before she runs into my arms.", he said cockily.

"Oh is that so?", I asked.

He nodded. I laughed.

"What's so funny?", He asked.

"Oh nothing.", I said.

"Food is ready!", Mya called from the kitchen.

I got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen but mini- Jacob pushed me aside and ran to the kitchen. He subsided into a walk when he was near Mya.

"That smells great Mya.", I heard him say.

It took a great effort for me not to hurtle him across the room.

"Thanks baby.", I said as I kissed Mya on the lips.

Jacob rolled his eyes at me. I sat down in the middle of Mya and mini-Jacob.

"Mya my seat is hard. Can I sit where Jacob is sitting?", he asked.

"No.", I said immediately.

"Of course you can Jacob. You don't mind do you Jacob?", she asked.

I was confused at who Mya was talking who. When I realized an anger burned inside of me.

"Wha-! Yes I do mind in fact.", I said.

Mya pulled my shoulder.

"Please baby. Stop being so childish.", she said.

I looked at her and she smiled. I groaned and got off my seat. Jacob sneered and sat close to Mya. The seat was perfectly fine too. I finished eating and had to listen to mini-Jacob give Mya compliments. After I cleaned up I announced, "I'm gonna go shower.", and I left.

Mya P.O.V.

I cleaned up mine and mini- Jacob's plate. He beckoned me to come and watch TV with him and sat really close to me.

"Why do you have such low standards Mya?", asked mini- Jacob.

"What?", I asked quizzically.

"I mean Jacob. I look better than him. Why do you choose such ugly guys.", he said.

"Excuse you?!", I retorted.

"I mean it's obvious I look better than Jacob.", he said.

"Jacob I don't like you. It's cute you like me but your creeping me out. And your only 13 and I'm about to be 16. That's just not going to happen.", I said bluntly.

"Don't lie Mya. I know you like me. Jacob is just getting in the way of your feelings.", he said.

"No he's not. I know my feelings and I don't need a 13 year old to tell me otherwise.", I said.

I heard Jacob's footsteps descending the stairs. He takes quick showers.

"Mya let me prove it to you.", he said lunging at me.

"What the-!", I was cut off by him kissing me forcefully on the lips. I tried to shake him off by pushing him but he was too strong. I'm pretty weak then. I was flailing my arms in all directions.

"What the fuck!", yelled Jacob

Mini-Jacob stopped kissing me and gaped at Jacob.

He was angry that his whole face was red. Jacob grabbed mini- Jacob by his shirt and threw him out the door. He turned on me. I was still sprawled on the couch. Jacob turned on me angrily.

"Why the fuck would you freaking kiss a 13 year old boy!", he yelled.

"Jacob it's not what it looks like-

"Oh it was exactly what I looked like. It looked like you were sucking faces with a 13 year old.", he seethed.

"Jacob! How do you not trust me! He came on to me!", I retorted.

"Oh yea right. Typical story of what a hoe would say.", he said.

"Jacob your being so stupid right now!", I said.

"Oh am I?"

"Yes you are. Your being freaking stupid. You cheated on me by having sex with another girl. No I'm sorry. A waitress Jacob! A freaking waitress. And a 13 year old boy forcedly kisses me. And you think I'm a hoe?! Nice Jacob. Really nice.", I said angrily.

"Your freaking stupid because you kissed a 13 year old.", he said.

I could tell he was convinced I was telling the truth but he probably didn't want to admit it and that got me angry.

"So let me get this straight. It's ok for you to have sex with a hoe but when someone kisses me by force it's me fault? I forgave you Jacob. And that was a huge mistake you made but when someone loves someone else they can't let go of that feeling. But when someone happens that isn't my fault, you instantly want to blame!", I said.

"Shut u-

"Don't tell me to shut up Jacob because you know damn well I'm right and your wrong.", I said.


"And I think your just jealous because-

I fell back into the wall clutching my nose. He punched my face. He walked up to me, his face burning with rage. He took a handful if my hair and banged it into the wall as I screamed. He hit me in the stomach as I whimpered. I began to sob.

He came to my face.

"I said shut up.", he seethed.

He grabbed my shirt an threw me out the door slamming it begin him. I sobbed even harder as blood trickled down my nose. I limped home which was a long way. I wanted to call the police but feared something. I don't know what. I hobbled home as I flustered with the key. I opened the door and screamed.

A/N- Ahh! Cliffhanger! Jacob's a bastard. I thought he didn't hit women? What do you think will happen next?

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