20. Special Request

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**A small portion of this chapter is only suitable for mature readers. So if you are under 16, please stop reading after the asterisks**

Over the next few months, Tom set the Basilisk on another half a dozen people, none of which died due to only seeing the serpents reflection.
The teachers had no idea who the heir of Slytherin was, and even Dumbledore made no attempt to question Genevieve about the Chamber again.
She made sure to always be near a teacher when Tom opened the Chamber of Secrets, so that no one could accuse her of unleashing the monster.
But with their OWLs approaching, Genevieve and Tom had more important things on their mind than attacking Muggle-borns.
The two of them had turned the Chamber of Secrets into their own personal study room, which they used when weren't needing books in the restricted section of the library.

"I wonder if it's too late to drop certain subjects" groaned Genevieve, as she threw her Ancient Runes textbook onto the floor beside her.
"You don't need to worry, I'm sure you'll get top marks in everything" reassured Tom, who was sat beside her.
"I doubt it. I only got Exceeds Expectations on my last paper in Ancient Runes. And revising all these runes is giving me a headache" complained Genevieve.
"Then take a break. We have been revising all day afterall"
"Alright... What are you doing anyway, since I notice that you are no longer revising?"
"Finishing my letter to Professor Dippet".

Genevieve frowned, "Why are you writing a letter to the headmaster? You're not confessing to being the heir of Slytherin, are you?".
"Don't be stupid. No, I'm asking him if I can stay here during the summer holidays, so that I don't have to return to that disgusting Muggle orphanage" admitted Tom.
"Is that possible? Can students really stay here over the summer?" Asked Genevieve.
"I have found several instances of students doing that in the past, so I'm hopeful that Dippet will let me stay"
"I thought you didn't like being at Hogwarts without me?"
"I don't. But I'd rather be here without you, than return to the orphanage. If I get permission to stay here, you should write Dippet a letter as well".

Genevieve rolled her eyes, "You know my uncle would never let me stay here over the summer. Even though he has no intention of actually spending time with me during the holidays, he still expects me to come home. And with all these attacks, he wants me out of here as soon as possible".
"I thought you told him that you aren't in any danger" replied Tom.
"I did, but I don't think he believed me. You can't blame him for being worried about me, when so many people are lying petrified in the hospital wing right now. All the parents are concerned that their children won't survive until the end of the year" reminded Genevieve.

"You don't have to be afraid though, because I would never let the Basilisk hurt you" said Tom.
"I never said that I was worried, only that Gellert was. Do you really think I'd be sat in the Chamber of Secrets right now, if I was worried about being killed by the Basilisk?" Asked Genevieve.
"I suppose not" replied Tom.
"I trust you enough, to be here with you"
"It means a lot to know that you trust me, despite everything I've done"
"I told you that I will always have faith in you, and you have done nothing to make me lose faith in you. I will always be here, at your side"

"How are you going to get the letter to Dippet?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I'm going to give it to one of the school owls, so that they can deliver it to him during breakfast" answered Tom.
"I hope he says that you can stay here" replied Genevieve.
"Me too"
"I wish that I could stay here with you. The two of us would have so much fun here together, without any other students around"
"Yes, it would be a very enjoyable summer"
"Sometimes I wish that I didn't have Gellert in my life, because then I could do whatever I wanted to do, just like you"
"You are lucky to have some family in this world, and have someone who cares about your wellbeing. Especially someone as powerful as Gellert Grindelwald. He is trying to change the world and make it a better place for people like us".

"I know that. But it's just a shame that he doesn't have time for me. We may be related by blood, but he doesn't want me around. We are not really family at all. You are my family, Vee, and you're the only person that I want in my life" revealed Genevieve.
"I'm touched that you feel so passionately about me" smiled Tom.
"There is nothing I wouldn't do for you" admitted Genevieve.
"And I you. I would kill anyone who dared to lay a finger on you. You belong to me"
"We belong to each other. All that matters to me in this world, is you".

Tom moved closer to Genevieve and sat up on his knees before placing his hand on her face.
"You're my world, and what a beautiful world you are" he whispered.
"That's a rather romantic statement for someone like you" admitted Genevieve, as she knelt up to get closer to him.
"What can I say, you bring out a side of me that I didn't think existed. When I'm with you, I find it hard to concentrate, as you fill my every thought"
"I feel like we were meant to be together, Riddle and Grindelwald".
Tom pressed his lips against Genevieve's, and as they kissed she found her fingers entangling themselves in his hair in an attempt to draw him closer.
"Don't stop" begged Genevieve, in between breaths.
"Your wish is my comand" murmered Tom.


Without even stopping to think, the pair of them began untying each others school uniforms, in an attempt to join their bodies as one.
Genevieve had often wondered what Tom's body looked like, and now that it was in front of her, for the first time, she found that he was as perfect as she'd imagined in her head.
She was worried that her own body wouldn't satisfy Tom, as didn't think that she was very attractive. But Tom continued to kiss her, and place his hands all over her, not even stopping to take a breath.

As Tom placed himself inside of Genevieve, she let out a loud gasp, as she began to feel things she had never felt before.
"I love you!" She announced, as he began thrusting inside her.
Tom said nothing, and pushed Genevieve down so that she was lying on her back, with him on top of her.
"Don't ever leave me" begged Genevieve, as she held Tom close to her.
"Never" murmered Tom, in her ear.

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