Chapter 3

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Anna had to find a hiding place quickly. He was right behind her. Just in time, she saw a dumpster and hid in the boxes behind it. "Come out little one." The creepy guy said. "Come out come out wherever you are."

The smell was just awful. She could barely breathe, but she didn't want to come out, because then the weirdo would find her, and she was too tired to run anymore.
She kept very still. She had run away from home to get away from her mother's creepy boyfriend. How could she be so unlucky to have another stalker? Suddenly, she felt something moving on her arm. It was a rat; the biggest rat she had ever seen in her life.
She bit her lip to keep from screaming. The rat started sniffing around her and she gave it a little flick with her elbow to make it go away. The rat jumped and the box moved. "There you are, little girl." He said. You don't want to make me have to go in there." He started heading toward the dumpster.
"Please, please oh please make him go away!" She prayed. The rat scurried out from the boxes. "Oh it's just a rat!" He yelled, a little relieved that he didn't have to go behind the smelly boxes. To Anna's relief, the creep walked away.

Anna was very tired and hungry. She didn't dare come out from behind the boxes. She stayed there until night time came. She tried to sleep, but she couldn't fall completely asleep. She was too scared that the creep would find her. She then tried to keep herself awake but tiredness kept overcoming her. She must have fallen asleep, because she woke up to blinding lights. She saw a very bright light and shadows that looked very familiar. She also thought that the shadows looked very weird because they were long and oddly shaped. Then suddenly, she saw a rectangle of white light and the bright light disappeared into darkness. Then there was a burst of orange light that shot up into the sky up and up until Anna couldn't see it anymore. How strange.

She kept very still worried that he would come back at any minute. The sun was starting to come up, she could see the shapes of the buildings around her. Everything seemed oddly quiet. Usually in Fort Lee, there were still cars going around, but now it was silent. Anna walked around. There was nobody around.
Anna was very smelly from the dumpster. She was also very hungry. She saw a restaurant and tried the door. It was locked. Anna started finding a way to get the door open. She tried using her fingernail. It didn't work. She tried throwing a rock through the window. It bounced right off the glass. Anna was just giving up, when she saw something on the ground. It was a set of keys.
Maybe they were the ones that led to the restaurant. Anna tried the door. It didn't fit in. She tried a second one. It still didn't fit in. She tried the third one and it fit, but the alarm went off. Scared that the creep might find her, Anna ran and hid behind the dumpster again. The alarm kept going on and on and on and on.

After a couple of hours, the alarm went off. Lights from inside the building and other buildings started flickering out all around her. Then there was no electricity. Anna walked back to the building. She walked in through the door she had opened and started rummaging around. It was kind of dark but she could see jars and trays of food wrapped in Saran Wrap. She found plenty of food, much of which were unfamiliar to her. She started eating anyway. Her mouth burned, some of this stuff was really spicy. She walked into the kitchen to find some water and discovered a nice big sink. She stuck her head under the faucet and washed her mouth out then started gulping. "That's better." She thought, and then curled up in a corner and fell asleep.

When she awoke, she had no idea how long she had been sleep. The clocks were all stopped at 3:25. She could smell herself and she felt really gross. She went back to the big sink and decided to take a bath in it. Anna emptied out the dishes, took off all her dirty clothes and turned the hot water on. She remembered the door was unlocked so she hurried over and locked it. She doubted the he was coming back, but you can never be too careful.

When the sink was half filled, the water started getting cold. Too bad. She had been hoping for a nice, warm bath. she climbed in anyway. Finally she started to relax. She used the dish soap and a rag to scrub the stench of the garbage off herself. She used the long spray handle like a shower and felt like a human being again.

Suddenly, she heard the crash of the glass on the front door breaking. Somebody had gotten in the restaurant. Anna jumped out of the sink slipped on the wet floor and felt an excruciating lying sharp pain as her knee hit the tile. She started to let out a soft cry but was able to stop herself but couldn't be sure that she was not heard. She started looking for a towel, but didn't find one. She started to panic because didn't want to put her stinky clothes back on and she certainly did not want the stalker to see her naked. To her relief, she saw some white tablecloths on a shelf. She grabbed one and threw it over herself.

The intruder was coming her way. She desperately hoped that it was not the creep again! She was not about to take any chances, she unlocked the door and dashed out. She didn't dare look behind her. She ran around a corner just as she heard a kid's voice yell, "Hey! Come back here!"

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