Part 1: Unwanted Guest

Start from the beginning

World War Terra is known as the terrible war that took place at the tail end of the 21st century. No one knows exactly when the war started or when it had ended, only that it had been the bloodiest war in recorded history.

The world population hit an all-time high due to the advances in medicine, with nearly all disease eradicated and the average lifespan exceeding one hundred years of age it wasn't surprising that resources and land would become scarce as the world population crossed the twelve billion mark.

Everyone always believed that World War 3 would be unimaginably devastating with the threat of nuclear war on the horizon, little did they realize just how much worse it turned out.

The world fought for decades over land and resources leaving weapons of mass destruction out of the question as that would make any land won unusable. As the war stretched on many countries began to use their advanced medical knowledge to commit a taboo that the world may never forget, tampering with their soldier's genetic code experimenting in secret on humans and their DNA until the super soldier was born.

At first, it was just men and women with the strength and durability tenfold a normal human, this shifted the balance of world powers for a time but of course, once other countries caught up the world found itself once again in an endless stalemate.

Next, we would see soldiers with minor wounds healing in a matter of seconds and normally critical wounds that would be likely deadly to you or I healed in their sleep overnight.

No one is sure which country contributed to the final desecration to humanity, spawning what eventually could only be described as the modern superhero, people flying, lasers shooting out of eyes, super reflexes fast enough to dodge bullets, soon these individuals became known as Bellum.

The name came from a tumor-like growth found in X-ray exams attached to the individuals cerebellum. life now looked like something straight out of a comic book just with much more bloodshed.

This plague of violence continued for years but just when it seemed like there would be no end to the fighting everything stopped, all across the globe people collapsed, the war was ended in an instant along with the lives of 99% of the human race!

In the blink of an eye, the human race went back to the dark ages. Power plants shut down with no one to operate, planes fell out of the sky, livestock starved to death, humanity had to return to its roots of scavenging and hunting for survival.

About six hundred years have now passed, humanity has built itself back into stability, with the help of the new world government we have recently passed the world population of one billion. If only we knew that the much sought-after cure for cancer would have come at such a hefty price!

Coles Attention was brought back to his television as a blinding flash of light enveloped the living room as if the morning sun itself had made his dwelling it's new home. After a few short seconds, the light had begun to dissipate.

"What the hell" an officer on the scene shouted "where did he go" the Bellum that was previously lying on the ground seemingly dead was now gone. "Damn it search high and low he couldn't have gotten far, he is too important to let escape!"

As the police dispersed in all directions the camera turned back towards Janet who began to go through her usual sign off before switching back to the newsroom, "click" the screen went blank as Coles mother spoke "alright son it's about time you head to bed, you have school tomorrow".

Cole begrudgingly lifted himself from the couch and slowly begun his nightly routine of brushing his teeth and setting out his school uniform for tomorrow before crawling into bed dreading the test that his history teacher had prepared for tomorrow making it all the more surprising when he quickly drifted off to sleep.

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