Part 1: Unwanted Guest

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A monstrous fire was seen spewing from the crumpled remains of the fallen buildings hot enough to distort nearby structures into nightmarish shapes. Explosions loud enough to be heard the next city over as yet another home was engulfed in flames. "Bang bang bang" the deafening sound of gunshots piercing through the night sky, shrieks of terror as civilians ran from their homes narrowly avoiding the intense flames only to be mowed down in a hail of gunfire.

A local news van logo illuminated ominously with shadows from the inferno dancing down the street as embers from the nearby raging flame gently rest against the asphalt before quietly dissipating.

"What the hell" the cameraman shouted toward the reporter in a panicked fervor "th... they just killed those families, for what... for wanting to live?" The cameraman quickly spun away before a violent stream of vomit spewed onto the asphalt splashing back into the camera lens.

"The criminal is down I repeat the criminal is down" an officer was heard over the nearby police cruisers' loudspeaker. The reporter swiped the camera from the cameraman.

"you are such a disgusting pig, Jerry! Wow, you even managed to get vomit on the lens." Even with the camera lens covered in the man's dinner, it was easy to see the anger on the reporter's face, the thin line between sanity and insanity was reaching its breaking point.

"But Janet... I'm sorry" Jerry spoke with a stutter as he wiped his dinner from his chin

"You are going to be sorry if you don't get out of my sight you disgusting sack of garbage! This is my chance to get into the big leagues and you're ruining it" Janet spoke under her breath jaw clenched turning her back towards her colleague. "Ben get over here Jerry is going to be taking a vacation."

In just a matter of seconds, the camera was taken control of by Ben followed by a quick wipe down of the lens. "A-All right we are r-ready" Ben spoke nervously as he pointed the camera back towards Janet.

The reporter ran her fingers through her luscious strawberry blonde hair, flowing down to the center of her back. The glow of the flames reflecting in her beautiful sky blue eyes as she licked her perky pink lips.

"Why does such beauty have to be wasted on such a dreadfully bitter woman," a 16-year-old Cole Evans thought to himself as he sat next to April his mother in the comfort of their lower-middle-class house located on the other side of town from this tragedy.

"The scene behind me isn't the set of an action movie." Janet began to narrate the crime scene in front of her as officers surrounded a man lying seemingly lifeless just a small distance behind her.

"This is real life and just another example of why all of the Bellum scum must pay for their crimes against humanity."
A well-known phone number flashed across the screen "The Bellum parasites are a threat against our way of life, you too can help by calling the number on the screen, making a report of any strange activity, and as always any tips leading towards the capture of a Bellum will come with a hefty reward!."

"How can people believe any of this." Cole turned to his mother "any non brainwashed sheep can see that the 'Criminal' was simply using his abilities here to save those poor people by making a path through the flames and what does he get for it, an award maybe? No! That man was immediately branded as a threat and shot on sight"

"Unfortunately, Cole Honey we just can't trust that these people with the Bellum gene won't someday turn on us and cause history to repeat itself."

Cole knew his mom was speaking of World War Terra and found himself thinking back to class earlier that week as they were once again going over the subject.

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