"Nothing" Katya's palm started sweating a bit "Just talking to myself"

"okay" Trixie smiled. "anyways, we can talk about the Christmas event that's gonna happen soon."

"Yeah, let's write a little script" Katya stood up and brought her chair to Trixie's desk.


"Okay I think that's good for the Christmas part," Katya said standing up to turn off the camera. "Now it's the weather part"

"I love how serious you are about this" Trixie said standing up and walking in front of a white wall that had the U.S. projected by a school projector.

"I am a woman that knows the truth and tells the truth." Katya started her short monologue with an exaggerated but accurate Russian accent. "I put these pants, this shirt, and this blazer on every day at 6 a.m to bring this trustful information right in your face. From my genitals to your ears" Katya took a sip of the water with a serious expression on her face.

"That was weirdly attractive," Trixie said taking Katya's glass of water and taking a sip out of it too. "Maybe one day I'll be your weather reporter," Trixie said with an exaggerated Wisconsin accent and winked.

"I... would love that" Katya kept talking with her Russian accent to later fall into hysterical laughter. 

Because drama was the last class of the day, they both stayed a little longer to finish the filming. Especially the weather part. Which they had to film a few times because Katya forgot to change what the projector was showing. Katya loved how she and Trixie grew closer together. she's glad that the blonde girl caught her attention that one time in English class. She's glad she went up to her at that party that then turned into a not planned sleepover at Katya's house and that now is flourishing into a wonderful friendship.

Friendship. Katya thought about that a lot, she didn't wanna fuck up any friendship because of stupid feelings that would probably go away in a matter of seconds. If her 17 years of life have taught her anything. It's that love is not worth it and that it always ends up in tears of sadness or anger.

Since she was a child she saw how her parents grew apart, stopped loving each other with each month that passed by. The goodbye kisses stopped, the hugs stopped, the love stopped. They seemed to stay together just because they had a child, and Katya felt like it was her fault. Why did they still love each other when they had her brother. Katya always felt like an obstacle growing up. All the photos hanging up the wall where her brother, except one. It was her brother when he was 8 or 9 holding her when she was months old. Which Katya threw out her window when her brother died.

After her brother's death, Katya did everything to fill his spot, she tried to fill the space the death left on her parent's life. She never seemed to be enough. Her father eventually "moved" on but when his name is said he freaks out and gets blackout drunk. Her mother spends the free time she has looking through old albums and talking about how great and fun he was. Katya cried when she found out about it. She was home alone when she did. She cried out of rage, she was furious. She was angry that he was gone before people knew what kind of person he really was. She was mad that he got to die as the favorite child. She is angry that he is now forever frozen in time as the perfect favorite child. That's when she went downstairs, in the direction of the only picture that she knew featured herself. She grabbed it and brought it upstairs. In a moment that lacked control, she grabbed her pen and stabbed the picture repeatedly until the glass from the frame broke and she ripped the photo. She was fulled of anger and frustration. She grabbed the broken frame with the ripped photo and threw it out the window to hit the white snow outside of her room.

Katya took a sharp breath as she packed her stuff. Now was not the time to have complicated thoughts like this. Not when Trixie can easily see it in Katya's eyes and point it out.

"Violet's outside!" Trixie raised her voice so Katya could hear her.

"I'm going!" Katya said picking the backpack up and running towards Trixie.

Trixie went outside where Violet was waiting resting her back against the wall "Hi Trix"

"Hi, Violet"  Trixie went to rest her back against the wall next to Violet. "She's coming"

A few seconds later Katya came up. "Hi girls!" Katya looked around her "Shit! I'm missing something, I'll be back in a bit, sorry"

"It's okay Kat" Trixie smiled softly at her "We'll wait for you" Katya went back inside.

"Take care of her" Violet said as she took out a cigarette.

"What?" Trixie stood confused.

"The way you look at her Trix" Violet took a drag from the cigarette and let the smoke out. "Take care of her"

"I already take care of her I don't get what you mean" Trixie turned her body to her, resting her arm on the wall.

"You're not dumb, you know what I mean" Violet turned to her. "If you hurt her, I swear to god I will make your life impossible"

"I'm not that kind of person Violet, please," Trixie said a bit pissed off

"That's the thing" Violet let the smoke in and out. "I don't know the kind of person you are, maybe you're just faking being good"

"What the fuck?" Trixie scoffed "Are you serious? I would never hurt Katya in purpose Violet" Trixie laid her back on the wall again "This is so stupid coming from you"


"You are so judgemental" Trixie slid down to sit down, "I start liking you but then you come with these comments, so out of the blue"

"Maybe they aren't out of the blue"

"Damn girl who hurt you, leave me alone" Trixie walked inside where Katya was walking towards her.

"Heeeey," Katya said, "Could you hold this for me?" Katya handed out her backpack to Trixie.

"Of course" Trixie took it and both of them walked out.

They got in the car and Violet dropped Trixie in her house and then Katya.

Violet took her phone out and got into her chats.


I don't think she's bad.

She has a slick tongue tho


Okay, thanks V.

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