I could slowly follow where he was going with this.

"The body was never found until now", Yoongi spoke slowly. "In case it was ever found, the police would know what kind of gun they should look for. One of the suspects will be my brother. And in case they for some reason start investigating my brother, they'll surely find those files and his name all over them."

He went pale as he spoke.

"So option one", I summarized. "Geumjae is actually responsible for all of this and we better stay away from him."
As simple as it would be, I couldn't bring myself to believe that Yoongi's brother would do something like that. Of course, I didn't know him that well, but if Yoongi believed his brother, then so would I.
"Option two; someone used the same gun as your brother - or his gun - and wants to frame him for it in case anything ever came out."

Yoongi grabbed his hair. "But why? What did Minah have to do with this? Maybe this is just a cheap shot and it doesn't really matter. It probably isn't connected at all, but my brother will still be in trouble if they find those files."

He got up immediately and began putting on his wet clothes.

"Where are you going?", I questioned.

"We need to tell Geumjae. Before it's too late", he rushed while putting on his trousers. "The detective told me not to talk to him about this, but I just have to."

"But Yoongi, have you ever thought about the possibility of your brother actually being responsible for all this?" I stood up and began putting my clothes on as well. "How can you be a hundred percent sure that it wasn't actually his gun or that he doesn't know about those files? You two haven't exactly stayed in touch over the years."

Yoongi's face was in agony when he turned back to face me. "I may have not been the best at staying in touch, but I know him. He's not my father. He is no monster. I have to talk to him - I'll know when I speak to him."

I recalled the short encounter I'd had with Geumjae and when he'd given me a lift back from town. Of course, he'd seemed genuinely nice and had cared for his younger brother. At the same time, I knew never to judge their people just by how nice they seemed. I felt a little conflicted.

I touched Yoongi's arm gently. His skin was as cold as ice.
"Okay. I trust you. Let's go talk to your brother."


It was around five in the evening and I only then noticed how much I had been starving during the day when we stepped inside the mansion. The panicked butler rushed towards us and refused to let us go anywhere before we changed and had something to eat. Yoongi was grumpy, but obeyed. I knew he was eager to talk to Geumjae, but maybe this would give him time to cool off and re-think. I didn't think it was wise to go to his brother with all this information now, not knowing whether he was, in fact, guilty or not. There was one thing if wasn't so sure of, though. Were those files and Minah's death really connected? They seemed like two completely different things. Besides, the files we'd found dated back several years, while the murder had only occured "recently" in comparison. I still couldn't really understand Yoongi's thought process. It pestered me during dinner.

Yoongi gulped down his food in three bites and wanted to go to Geumjae's room immediately. I tried to talk him out of it a few more times, afraid that his brother was in on this as well, but Yoongi wouldn't hear of it. He was sure that his father was at fault and needed to warn his brother. It was the first time I'd seen him acting protective over his family and it gave me hope that Geumjae really was innocent.

We walked up the stairs and he led me to a corridor I'd never been to before. Geumjae was in the west side of the house, far away from the guest rooms and the offices. We stood in front of a white door that had the same fancy carvings all the others had. Yoongi took a deep breath before knocking.

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