Disturbing Behaviour

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My eyes slowly open, I can really feel the heaviness in them

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My eyes slowly open, I can really feel the heaviness in them. My head is killing me and my throat feels really dry. I look down at my shirt and see that I'm still wearing the shirt from yesterday, little dots of blood on them. That's when I remembered: I threw up blood. For the past few days I've noticed myself feeling really weak and always tired but I never actually threw up or fainted.

What happened yesterday felt like a dream. A really, really bad dream. But now, I have to put it all on the past. I just have to stop myself from thinking about Stef-...oh, you know who I mean.

"Knock. Knock." A familiar voice rings in my ears and I look over at the door.

"Damon." I smile slowing sitting myself up. "Hey."

"Good morning sleepyhead." He smirks walking into the room.

I brush my hair behind my ears glancing around for my clock which didn't happen to be here. "What time is it?"


My eyes almost bulge out from their sockets. "What?!" I throw the blankets off of my body. "I have to help Elena make the chili for the Lockwood event." I jump up off the bed. "Woah." I say as my world begins to spin and I lose my balance.

A large gush of air swooshes towards me and suddenly big comforting hands hold onto my waist. "Hey, are you okay?"

I furrow my brows glancing around the room, everything gone back to normal. "Um. Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay."

Damon examines me cautiously before his eyes catch the blood stains on my top. "What happened?"


"Um..." I look down at my bedside table and see a tissue filled with blood. "My nose was bleeding...from crying so much, I guess."

Damon didn't seem to believe me but at the moment he couldn't think of any other possibility. "You're sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." I smile thankful for his worrying. "I promise."

I am okay. I'm not lying. But what happened last night definitely concerned me but maybe it was just an upset stomach, I don't know. But for now, I'm okay and that's all that matters.

"Okay, how about this..." Damon glances down at my clothes. "I'll take out all the ingredients and you change into more fitting clothes."

"But I thought Elena already started?"

"Nope." Damon pops his "p". "Little Ms. Elena decided to go over to busboys house and help him make his own tub of chili."

"Heh, of course she did." I shake my head scoffing.

"But, hey it's okay." Damon smirks. "You got me now."

"Mhm." I try to hold in a laugh. "Alright you can start getting the stuff ready but promise me not to tease me on my cooking skills."

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