The Dinner Party

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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

It's me again, your old friend Niki. Sorry I haven't really been good at keeping you up with the events of this past month. Let's just say it's been one hell of a ride. For starters, I found out I have to be sacrificed along with Elena in some dumb ritual to break a curse between the warewolves and vampires. Yes, there's such thing as a warewolf now. Crazy right? Oh! Also I'm kinda maybe sorta dating Damon now. I know! I know! I said I would never do that but I really do love him. He's so smart, and extremely the worst ways heh. He is a great person to talk to even though I've realized I've been keeping a lot of secrets from him. But he's just so...ugh why does he have to be so hot?! I mean he not only is so freaking good looking but he's an even better kisser. Gosh, I really have to stop fangirling.

Anyways, all feeling set aside we aren't really in the best place right now. I mean, I'm hiding the truth for Stefan, I don't know why it's just I guess I haven't completely unfallen for him. I know that's stupid of me to say but it's true. Oh, and I haven't told Damon how much I love him yet either. I know okay?! I'm such a bad girlfriend. I just don't know how or when to tell him but I have to do it before I die. That's my next mission as long as I don't get killed before then, haha. But it definitely won't be now, today. I'm currently sitting on the Salvatore living room couch. Well originally I was in Damon's room. We got in a small argument last night and he went to go sleep in a spare bedroom leaving me alone in his. I fell asleep in a bad mood, you know how bad that usually gets but either way I just couldn't sleep without him in the bed. I'm so used to his heavy cold yet comforting arm being draped over my waist or occasionally I will lay my head on his slightly cold chest and have my right hand laying on his toned abs. Last night just felt so different, so lonely. I rarely sleep at home now ever since me and Damon started dating but especially since uncle John aka my biological dad came back to town. Bummer right?

Well anyways I gotta get on with my day, Damon will probably wake up any minute so I'm hoping to talk to him...if he doesn't just decide to ignore me. But thanks for listening to my problems once again for the like 384994th time haha.

I'll catch you up soon, hopefully before the next full moon which is when I'm supposedly supposed to die. See ya <3

- -

Meanwhile, upstairs over in Damon's bathroom, he was talking on the phone with Stefan while he finished getting ready ready for the day.

"So, what's going on?"

Damon shrugs looking himself in the mirror. "Well, I showered. I shaved. About to have breakfast. Very relaxed."

Stefan sighs across the phone. "That makes one of us."

"I did hear one piece of good news though. Tyler Lockwood ran away from home last night."

"How do you know?"

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