Mon amour (bonus)

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Disclaimer - This chapter is the wedding night of the Viscount and Viscountess Bridgerton, which means this is a love scene (understand smut), do not read if you are sensible on the subject !


After a three hour ride punctuated by kisses and loving but innocent touches, the couple finally arrived at the Wellesley Estate. The night was already setting when they arrived but the staff were still waiting for them in front of the doors.

They were greeted by the governess, Mrs Grey, that Alina had known her entire life. She seemed overjoyed at the sight of the duchess.

"Your Grace, Lord Bridgerton. It is such an honour to have you here. We are all very happy that you chose to spend your honeymoon here and I will be sure that everything will be set to accommodate you at the best."

Alina let out a laugh at the stiff demeanour of the governess.

"Thank you, Mrs Grey. I really appreciate it, and I am happy to see all of you." Said Alina, greeting politely all the staff. "But do not stress yourselves, I am sure that Lord Bridgerton and myself will have an amazing time here. You also know that my father is not here anymore and I wish for all of you to know that the treatments you were used to receive from him were buried with his name. I want you all to be happy and I apologise for the way my father treated you all these years." She was looking at everyone while she spoke, she knew the bad treatments of her father were not reserved to her and that the staff were also victim of his abuses. They all thanked her while Anthony looked at her adoringly, a look that did not pass unnoticed by the governess.

"Thank you, your Grace. There is no need for an apology, you are as far from your father as one can be and none of us resent you for his actions. We are all greatly thankful that you are now in charge and already happy to be at your service."

With these words from the governess, she led the couple inside the house. Anthony was baffled by the beauty of the estate. He had been surprised by the grandeur of the house from the outside but the inside was even more beautiful. Mrs Grey and Alina gave him a small tour of the propriety, promising to finish the next day. When they arrived in front of the door of Alina's chamber the governess bid them good night with a knowing smile after asking if Alina would need help to remove her dress. Question to which Anthony was quick to answer that he was to take care of her clothing.

Alina led him into her chamber that had not changed since the last time she was here except for the clean bedsheets and the new clothes in her wardrobe both Anthony's and hers that the servants had arranged before their arrival.

He closed the door behind them and she turned to look at him. His eyes were full of desire but he wanted her to be comfortable before all.

"We do not have to do anything tonight, I want you to be comfortable and I understand if you want to wait." He said, locking his eyes with hers. She went close to him and raised herself on her toes to kiss the corner of his mouth. "I do not want to wait, I want you to show me." She said, with a determined expression. Her eyes sparkling. His own eyes darkened with lust and he willed himself to go slow for her. He wanted to show her everything. He wanted to feel her.

"Did anyone ever told you of what happen between married couples ?" He asked her while caressing her sides, making her shiver.

"Yes, Lady Danbury took it upon herself to explain it to me. As you know she is not the kind of woman to mince her words, she gave me a pretty detailed description of what was to happen." Said Alina, causing both of them to chuckle. She put her hands on hi chest and caressed him though his shirt. "But I am inexperienced and I want you to show me."

"I will." He said lowly before kissing her feverishly and dragging hips lips to her jaw, her neck and the top of her breasts. She let out a soft moan at the feelings of his lips and hands that seemed to be everywhere on her. Her thoughts were swirling in pleasure.

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