Chapter 12 - Rising diamond

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The one we love have the power to inflict the greatest scars. For what thing is more fragile than the human heart ?

It has come to this author attention that the Queen has issued an order of arrest against the Duke of Wellington. Little details were shared but fear not for this author knows more of this strange affair. It appeared that the Duke of Wellington has inflicted a terrible treatment on his own daughter for several years. From bruises to cuts, it appears that the cruelty of the man knew no limits. I want to present my most sincere support to the young Miss Wellesley, now Duchess of Wellington for she has inherited of the titles and dukedom of her father. Certainly a weak compensation for the years of mistreatment that she has endured. The greatest news of this day is surely that the Duchess of Wellesley is finally free from her father who shall remain in prison, title less and poor for the rest of his days. A strong act from our Queen that no one shall forget should they ever thought of indulging in such actions..

Daphne and Benedict surely had done their job well. The next morning, the whole ton was reading Whistledown's paper and gossiping about the news of the arrest of the Duke of Wellington.

Alina was lying in her bed, more conflicted than ever. She was ever so happy to feel the freedom that her father had always kept away from her. It was exhilarating to think of the future without the ever presence of his shadow looming over her. For a small moment she thought she had everything. Freedom, family and love but Anthony had ended their courtship and she could not help but regret the love she had only touch with the tip her finger before it was took away from her.

There was a ball this evening. As much as Alina did not want to attend, Lady Danbury assured her that it would be good for her. She did not want to face the looks of pity of the ton and the never ending gossiping that was sure to take place.

The emissary of the Queen was supposed to come before the ball to finish with her the papers and the succession. It felt so surreal. She was a Duchess, she had lands and proprieties not to mention a considerable fortune. She was not the young, frightened and powerless girl she once was. She had power, she had money, she had choices. She could decide to never marry, or to move on the other side of the world. The possibilities were endless and she knew one thing for sure : she was in charge of her future.

After a long series of signatures and boring talks, Alina was officially the Duchess of Wellington. And it is as a Duchess that she made her way to her room. There was a box on her dressing table that she had brought from her family estate. It was years since she had opened it but had the habit of bringing it everywhere with her. Inside were her mother's diamonds. They were passed on her family from generation to generation, Alina being the latest receiver. It was the most magnificent piece of jewels that she had ever seen. She opened the box after years of it seating on her dresser. For some reason, she finally felt worthy of it. She hold the necklace on her chest.

"Would you like some help, Your Grace?" Asked Lily.

"Yes, please."

"It is striking Your Grace, you are splendid. She would be so proud of you."

"Thank you Lily." Answered Alina, stroking the gem sitting on her neck.

The carriage ride was silent. Lady Danbury felt proud of Alina. She was wearing her mother's diamonds with the most utter grace and she was ready to face the ton.

Alina was not so sure. She felt incredibly nervous at the prospect of being the center of attention for completely different reasons this time. She was hoping that Anthony would attend for she needed to talk to him. The pain in her ribs was now substantial, thanks to the great treatment of the doctor but she still felt rigid on her feet.

As she entered the room at the arm of Lady Danbury, she felt the stares on her. Most of the people simply stopped talking when noticing her presence and were watching her with rapped attention.

"Thank you everyone for such attention upon our entrance but I am sure that you have all something more interesting to do than to gawk at us !" Said loudly Lady Danbury. Her rudeness caused gaps from the crowd and Alina could not help but chuckle, covering her mouth with her gloved hand as the guests returned to their previous occupations.

"Thank you." She whispered to the elder lady who gave her a motherly smile.

With the knowledge of her condition, the men of the room had the decency not to ask her to dance. She still had to go through countless apologies and looks of pity but she was able to remain close to Eloise or Lady Danbury all evening.

After one to many person looked at her full of pity, Alina decided to take some air. The cold breath of the night greeted her on the balcony and she leaned of the railing. The gardens illuminated by the moon were a view she could never grow tired of, she found it mesmerising.

Anthony joined her on the balcony, making sure no one could see them unchaperoned. The crowd still thought them courting but nonetheless, the situation would cause scandal.

"I want to apologise, I was rude yesterday and you did not deserved it. I am truly happy that you are finally free and able to make your own choices." Exhaled Anthony. He felt bad for the way he had spoke to her the previous night. It was not her fault she did not reciprocated his feelings and it was unfair of him to expect her to.

"You should not apologise, I can understand your frustration." Sighed Alina, trying to brace herself for what she was going to admit.

"I haven't been honest with you." She started. She turned to face him and he did the same. Looking into his eyes she realised that she did not want to loose what they had. Maybe she had fell in love with her raptor but she could not muster to care when she looked at him, his handsome face bathed in the moonlight.

"It took me time to admit it, even to myself and I guess I am not good at talking about my feelings. Or maybe you just make me nervous." She smile and Anthony returned it hesitantly. "Truth is, our meeting was not ideal and I only wanted to prove my father wrong but he is not here anymore, thanks to you. And I realise that without the arrangement, without the pressure and the obligation to spend time with you, I still want to. I still want to dance with you, to talk with you, to simply be with you. I have never felt this pull to someone before but I realise now, it was because they were not you."

Anthony thought his heart might explod from his chest at her words, he felt warm inside his chest as he realised how much he was yearning for her. A wide smile threatened to split his face at the sight of the flushed woman in front of who owned his heart.

"What are you saying then?" Asked Anthony, trying to keep the excitement from his voice.

"I am saying that, should you have me, I would very much like to continu our courtship but with no pressure, no arrangement, no plans this time. Just you and me."

"I would like that very much too, of course I will have you." Said Anthony, seizing her hands in his and peppering them with kisses.

"Would you do me the honour of allowing me to court you, Your Grace ?" Asked Anthony, bowing mockingly.

"I would be my pleasure, Lord Bridgerton." Responded Alina, mimicking his bow.

"Let us take it slow," she said. "Take our time to really know each other without any interference."

"I would love nothing more, I have all the time in the world for you." He answered with a flirting smile. She could not care less about his sappiness. 

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