Chapter 2 - Meeting one's destiny

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Wellesley Estate

Alina was awoke by Lily, her maid, shaking her slowly out of her slumber.

"Good morning Miss, the Duke has left early for a hunt, he asked that you be ready to go to the Bridgerton House when he comes back."

Dread filled Alina, as the prospect of meeting the family. She was thankful Lily was here for she was her friend and always was here for her.

"I have brought paste for your cheek Miss, it must hurt, let me help you."

"Thank you Lily, what would I ever do without you?" Came Alina hoarse voice from all the shouting and crying of the day before.

Lily helped her get dressed and tried to cover the obvious mark that was on her cheek but with little success. It was still plainly visible.

Alina forced herself to eat some breakfast even thought her mind couldn't be farther on other matters. When her father returned she kept her head down and did so all the way during the carriage ride. She loved London, its liveliness and the architecture but she couldn't bear to look at her father.

They finally arrived at the Bridgerton household and Alina raised her head. The house was beautiful, there was a blossoming cherry tree that raised in the middle of the court and the building itself was a deep blue that stood proudly in the London sky. In front of the house, the Bridgerton family was gathered, waiting for the Duke and his daughter. Alina thought them beautiful, standing together in the stairs and couldn't help but think that the talk of the ton was right about their grace and beauty.

The carriage came to a stop and the Duke was the first to exit. Alina followed him, careful not to step on her long floor dress. At the sight, the Viscount Bridgerton was left breathless for he did not expected to face the most beautiful women he had ever seen. Her cream coloured dress fitted her perfectly and the intricate details around her collar were graceful. Her long hair, of a shade of clear brown, were cascading along her back, hold by a half up do. Her eyes a glowing light blue were enchanting and her face showed a pureness and gracefulness he had never seen before. Even the red mark across her cheek and freckles did not make her any less beautiful. On the stairs, the Bridgerton siblings shared a look, clearly as impressed as their brother.

Her father greeted the Viscount and his family. "This is my daughter, Alina Wellesley". Presented the Duke. She raised her head and was greeted by the face of the Viscount. He was handsome, truly handsome and even Alina couldn't deny it but his features were cold and stern.

"Miss Wellesley, it is a pleasure to meet you." Said the Viscount while pressing a kiss to her knuckles. When she met his eyes, she saw his dart to the place she knew the mark was visible but he was quick to focus back on her eyes and smiled faintly at her.

"The pleasure is all mine, Viscount Bridgerton." Came Alina forced response in a gentle ton.

She was then faced with Lady Bridgerton, the old lady radiated kindness and her smile was gentle when she greeted Alina. "It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Wellesley, oh dear lord, what happened to your face ?" She exclaimed worriedly. Alina immediately darted her head down as her father answered while placing a hand on her shoulder as a warning, which make her tensed immediately :

"She fell of her horse, lady Bridgerton, I am afraid my daughter is a terrible ride". Alina knew for a fact that she was a much more capable rider than her father but she kept quiet as she was introduced to the rest of the family. Lady Bridgerton wore a suspicious look but nonetheless led the Wellesley inside her house. It was plain as day that Alina was frightened by her father and it didn't miss the eyes of any of the Bridgertons.

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