Chapter 8 - Is that family ?

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Bridgerton house

The day after the ball, Alina was invited for tea at the Bridgerton house. It was normal, since her and the Viscount were officially courting but Alina was happy to be spending more time in the company of the family.

Alina had not seen the Viscount at the ball after her chat with Eloise on the balcony and Benedict had told her, he had returned home for he did not feel well.

She was shown to the family drawing room and greeted by the Duke of Hastings who was standing by the door.

"Alina ! Good to see you !" Said the Duke while embracing her in a friendly manner.

"You two have known each other for long, am I wrong ?" Came the voice of the Duchess, Alina nodded at her. She gave a mischievous smile.

"Then, Alina, I shall whisk you away for I want to hear stories of my husband when he was a child." And with that she dragged her to the center of the drawing room were Lady Bridgerton, her three eldest son and Eloise were talking. She greeted them all and couldn't help but linger her gaze on the Viscount's face which seemed to hold a great deal of sorrow. However, she did not had the time to ask him as Daphne called for her.

"Please Alina, tell me, what was the Duke like as a child ?"

Alina shared a smile with Simon has memories flooded her head.

"I am afraid he did not changed much since he was a child," said Alina teasingly while the Duke threw her a playful glare. "He certainly gave Lady Danbury a run for her money."

"You say that, as if you weren't the one running everywhere with a wooden sword, challenging every person you encountered !" Exclaimed the Duke, which cause the entire family to laugh loudly.

"Really ?" Said Benedict while laughing, "I did not plague you has a blood thirsty swordsman !"

"Yes, well Simon made a maid cried with his awful piano playing once and I believe everyone in the room had blood coming out of their ears !" Alina retorted. The family was thrown in an another fit of laughter as the Duke brought a hand to his heart in mock hurt.

When the laughter calmed down, Simon continued, "It is true, my piano playing is awful. however, if I remember correctly, your piano playing is flawless, Miss Wellesley."

"Is that true ? How you must play for us dear, I would love to hear it." Asked Lady Bridgerton.

It was clear that Alina had not other choice than to oblige to the Viscountess demand. She made her way to the piano.

"What would you like to play ?" Asked Daphne, showing her the pieces.

"I actually know a few by heart, I will be fine."

The Duchess went back to her seat next to the Duke and Alina felt the looks of all the family on her. Even the Viscount, who until now had tried his hardest not to crossed her eyes, was watching her intently.

She took a deep breath and started playing. The song was taught to her by Lady Danbury when she was fifteen. The old Lady had bragged that the play was one of the most difficult to play and was ecstatic that Alina could master it. It was a piece of Dussek's piano sonatas. Alina let the music consumed her as her finger danced on the keys.

While playing, she did not think of anything else. The music took her in its world and she was glad to let it do so.

She came back from her thoughts at the sound of applause. The Bridgerton family was clapping and she smiled shyly.

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