Chapter 3 - The Queen stands above

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The day after their visit at the Bridgerton house, the Duke of Wellington had left London, going on business in some other parts. Miss Alina Wellesley found herself under the care of Lady Danbury who had promised to look after her for her debuts.

Alina was currently in one of the many room of Lady Danbury's estate, it was a small reading room, adjacent to the library where Alina adored spend time since she was a child.

This is where the Duke of Hastings founds her, immersed in a book. He cleared his throat and she raised her head to find herself staring at one of her dearest friends.

"Simon !" She dropped her book and run to him, embracing him tightly for he was a friend she had missed dearly.

"Alina," breathed the Duke, "it is so good to see you. I have missed you."

"I have missed you too, but I cannot believe your life has been boring this past year. I heard a lot of stories and could not believe one of them! But here you are, breathing and married! I am so happy for you Simon!"

"Thank you, and you are right, life has been far from boring but still I have missed your presence dearly."

They sat together in the reading room.

"Daphne told me of the arrangement and of what happened at the Bridgerton house..." started Simon.

"Yes, I must apologise to them, they must have been horrified by what happened..."

"You ought to know, Alina, that you are not to blame for your father lack of dignity. He is vile and cruel, the Bridgertons know that, they do not blame you."

With the reassuring words of Simon, Alina decided that some fresh air would do her good and they decided to go for a ride. They were alongside the river, their horses walking side by side while they talked. They were halted by the sound of horses galloping towards them. Alina recognised rapidly the Duchess of Hastings and her brother the Viscount of Bridgerton. They halted their horses next to Alina and Simon's.

"Dear husband, what a pleasure to see you here." Said Daphne while the Duke took her hand to place a kiss on her knuckles.

"Miss Wellesley, is it so good to see you again, Simon told me he would visit you but he did not informed me you would be here."

"It is a pleasure to see you too, your Grace. As for the ride, we thought it would be a shame not to enjoy the weather." Said Alina.

"Indeed", continued Simon, "Alina is the finest rider I have ever met and she absolutely needed to enjoy the weather in London."

The two siblings exchanged a look at the proclamation of the Duke.

The Duke and the Duchess started riding side by side. The Viscount approached Alina.

"Miss Wellesley, it is a pleasure to see you." He stated while pressing a kiss to her hand.

"It is a pleasure, Lord Bridgerton. I .. I must apologise for my father's behaviour at your house. I am so very sorry for what happened..."

"There is not need for an apology and if there were, you are certainly not the one who should be apologising, Miss Wellesley". The Lord responded softly.

Alina nodded and they started to walk side by side behind the Duke and Duchess.

"Your father said you were not a fine rider, I am afraid he was wrong for you certainly seem most comfortable, Miss Wellesley." Said the Viscount.

Alina remembered then, what her father had said to explain her bruise.

"Yes, indeed." Responded Alina with an uncomfortable laugh, "I am a fine rider, my horse got scared and kicked. That is why I fell, my father must have not remembered..."

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