I scoff and stand up, "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you have a problem with either me having a girlfriend, or Charlie living with me. Which is it?"

He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms at that, "I don't have a problem, I just find it funny how the guy who claimed to be gay suddenly has a girlfriend, and also happens to be closer with the guy who used to be my bestfriend than I am."

"Hey pal, watch the way you talk to my friend!" Seth snaps, glaring at Jace.

I raise a hand to calm Seth as I step towards Jace, ignoring the way Jasper stands in defence, "You want to know what I find funny? The fact that you 'came back from the dead', sold me an entire sob story about how you cared too much for me to come back, and then tried to kiss me multiple times, all while you had a boyfriend."

Jasper's eyes widen as he turns on Jace, "You tried to kiss him!?"

"It's not like that!" Jace groans in annoyance, running a hand over his face.

"And I thought I was a mess," I sigh, turning my back and walking over to little Ollie.

I press a light kiss to her cheek and smile, "I have to leave now Ollie, and I'm not sure if I'll see you before I go back to London, but I promise to come back and visit, okay?"

She grins a toothy grin at me as she nods happily, "Okie dokie, Uncle Kaily! Be good!"

I laugh and ruffle her hair before walking over to Zoe and hugging her tightly, whispering in her ear so no one can hear, "I'm leaving tomorrow. I just can't do it, Zo. Think we can meet up tomorrow? There's one last thing I want to do before I go."

She pulls away and smiles at me sadly, nodding," Yeah, not a problem. Love you, babes."

I smile back and motion for Seth and Charlie to come with as we turn and begin leaving. Needing to just put as much space between Jace and I as possible, I have to fight the urge to run the hell out of there.

Just when we reach the gate, I hear one last shout and I turn to see Jace looking torn and sad, "I... I'm sorry."

I say nothing and just walk away, grabbing Seth's raised middle finger and pulling it down as I pull him away, Charlie close behind. There's nothing I have to say to him. He can apologize all he wants, but right now I am simply hurt and don't want to say anything that will probably just make things a lot worse. How can he lie and say it wasn't like that? He tried to kiss me. Plain and simple. He can fool Jasper, but not me. Not the person who knows him him better than anyone. Or... knew.

With that thought, I lower my head so no one can see the tears gathering in my eyes, threatening to spill over once again over the same fucking guy. A guy, who I hate to admit, I still love.

July 31, 2022

Standing outside of Grams' house, I feel a sense of loss. I honestly miss the days when I lived here and could just walk right in, relax with Jace while the smell of dinner teased at my hungry stomach. Grams' cooking was always wonderful. Home cooked meals were something I never got much growing up, and I think that's something I adored about Daisy. Like Grams, she brought a sense of home and comfort into my life.

Moments later, the older woman answers the door and smiles at me happily, "I was beginning to think you weren't going to pay a visit to old Grams."

I shake my head and chuckle with her, "And miss out on your tea and cookies? No way."

With a smile, grams leads me inside and into the kitchen. It looks practically the same as back then, hardly a difference and that alone kind of warms me inside. Of all the people that changed, Grams is still Grams and for that I'm grateful.

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