"I'll deliver some smooth talking to Thelma and give her the boot," Cassidy said.

"No. We'll have a proper ceremony," Haas said.

"But it sounds like fun!"

He gave her a look. She crossed her arms.

"Okay, fine. I'll be good. There. Happy?"

"Satisfied," Sara said.

"It's settled, then," he said. "I'll get the officers together to have you instated. The whole crew will be there."

"No. Not a crowd," Sara said.

"I think you're getting an audience whether you like it or not," Cassidy said. "Consider it punishment for not letting me kick Thelma's ass."

She shook her head.

"Okay. Fine. Do whatever you want."

"I can kick Thelma's ass?"


She shrugged. "Had to ask."

"I know you're tired," he said. "You've got dark bags under your eyes, girl. You need a manicure."

"Oh, god..." She rubbed her face. "I would so go for a manicure right now."

"There's a simulation for that, I think," Cassidy said. "Rest for a while, and we'll go have a spa day."

"That would be amazing."

He patted her lap.

"Come on, Cassie. We've got work to do."

"See ya, Sara."

When they left, she lied back down. She didn't have to hold them back anymore. She cried, but she didn't feel sad. After what felt like a long time, she felt... happy. They were tears of joy. No one bothered her. She cried her happy tears.

The emptiness in her heart didn't feel so empty, anymore.


Mark had another rough night of sleep. Even with his wolves within reach to fight off his nightmares, they still managed to get past their defenses and invade his sleep. He saw faces last night that stayed in his mind throughout the night. He woke up in a cold sweat, grasping at his weapon. He looked down and realized he had Wolfbane summoned. Blaez and Edon were staring at him.

"Sorry," he said.

He let go of Wolfbane and got out of bed. James looked down from his bunk.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Just bad dreams."


He hopped down, wearing only boxers.

"You always had nightmares."

"Yeah, but this place is like nightmare fuel."

"No shit. Earth doesn't appreciate our welcome, and we're in a ship full of murderers! Welcome to the family! Hope you brought knives!"

"Don't give me ideas," he said. "I might just jump off the dam again."

"Please don't."

There was a knock on the door, followed by it opening. James quickly picked up his uniform off the floor.

"Oh. You're awake," Vera said.

"Privacy, please?"

"Oh, calm down. I've seen men's junk before. They're all the same."

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