No F's to Give

41 8 5

I go to my ethics class ready to take the test
I look at the answers on my arm, my grade will be the best

I have no F's to give, they all ran out last night
When the fridge and washer and microwave all up and freaking died

I had a burger for breakfast, I don't care if you judge
Just leave me the hell alone or you'll eat my knuckles for your lunch

I drink a can of Monster and call in sick for work
Everyone is grinding in the heat and I am simply not concerned

I see an F on the floor; is that it? Should I care?
I close my eyes and pretend that it actually is not there

I flip on the TV and Twilight is on, so what?
I care less than Edward when Bella sees him in the sun

I use credit to purchase my third cheeseburger for today
Knowing I have no money and won't be able to repay

Do I care? Ask me again! I dare!
If I cared I would make this awkward line rhyme

I have no F's to give, unless it's F-bombs, I have lots of those
But when they drop the shrapnel will destroy anything close

I have no F's to give, like Edward about his age
I've been pissed off for hours, but it's really been days

I open the cheesecake icecream, and pour in Diet Coke
My man card is unscathed, like Emmet when he throws

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