Chapter 9-Healing and a Dark Past

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As the white cloud of the magic shines in a halo over Speckled Bear and her torturer, I chant along with Nadia. Our voices raised with a commanding presence as we heal their wounded flesh, the muscle and skin knitting together with startling speed.

Terra Mater Rogo Te
Ad Munda Me
Ut Benedicat Mihi Potestatem
Cum Sanitatem Tactus

Power flows through me, a conduit for Mother Earth as her light flows into their bodies, before rising into the air and disappearing with a rumble of thunder and a flash of light. Nadia and I fall to our knees, our energy depleted down to the very dregs. My body aches as I struggle to rise, my legs wobble as I collapse against a firm warm chest.

Clutching my cape over my body, I look up and find Damaris smiling down at me in relief. I smile back and then realize something, something that I should have connected until now. Rage turns my vision red, I push away from Damaris with all my strength as my breath becomes ragged and painful.

I pull the cape around me, a useless barrier against his eyes. Those pure emerald green orbs that seem to want to pull me into a hazy abyss.

"Your behind this," I say in disbelief as hot angry tears trail down my face. "You lead these men, you are their prince."

I feel Nadia's hand grasp my shoulder, her head barely coming up to my chin but her presence is hard to ignore. Damaris looks at me in confusion and concern, as if he didn't know what he has done.

"Yes I do, but whatever it is it's not what you think," he says calm and so sure that I'll fall for his honeyed words.

"No," I hiss, my finger shaking as I point at him in denial. "They follow your orders, and your orders for them to hunt. They not only burned my home, they killed and maimed creatures that I saw as friends, and now you expect me to believe that you did not have a hand in kidnapping and almost murdering one of my family!"

"So your wrong, it is exactly what I think!" I try to lunge at him but Nadia stops me. Her arms wrapping around my middle as I thrash and scream with all my fury. I can feel my fingers turning into claws, my teeth lengthening into sharp points. Then, I hear the dull shreik of a loosened blade, my body stops its thrashing before pushing Nadia to the ground in haze of dust. I let my hand snake out, feeling it wrap around a man's shaking wrist.

My nails dig into his flesh, making him drop his dagger to the ground. It is the man who hurt Speckled Bear, Varrick was his name and I would not spare him another chance. First Speckled Bear and now Nadia, this snake of a man did not deserve another breath.

"You are unworthy of the Mother's gift," I hiss.
Varrick's dull yellow eyes glaze over with fear. His tallow colored skin shining with sweat as his lips tighten and twist. "I let my cousin heal you, but you squandered her mercy, mercy that unlike her I don't posses."

His eyes twitch and swivel from mine, eyes that I know that have gone red and black. As he tries to avert my gaze, his eyes latch onto my bare arm and the black sickle moon mark embedded in my skin. Numbness enters my body, I release him as I stumble back as faint memories, both beautiful and hellish, force their way into my broken mind.

It was my birthday, I was so happy to be fourteen years old. I would come into my power today Nettle had said in that no nonsense voice of hers as she had instructed this morning. I wait for Nettle in the Great Meadow, the field full of birds, foxes, and wildflowers. Today she said she would test me on my swordcraft, and if I did well she would gift me new daggers and a real sword.

It was a perfect day with a clear blue sky, warm summer air, and a gentle breeze. The wind stirring the hem of my new dress and shawl, my hair swirling above my head in a bronze colored halo. My hands plucking up flowers to make a wreath for Nettle to go around her slim neck.

Wild gold wheat reminded me of mother's flowing hair and forget-me-nots where the color of her eyes. Small brown flowers came next, their color the perfect match for father's hair. While the dark earth matched his kind and wise eyes. My hands gently gathering the blooming buds together, till I had enough for the perfect wreath.

Just as I was about to weave them together, I saw arrows fly over my head before bringing down a flock of birds. Their little bodies tumble to the ground like dead leaves, as a wall of fire began to circle around me.

Dropping the flowers I tried to run for the forest, fear inching into my stomach as my legs carried me away. The fire cut off my path, smoke choking me and making my eyes stream with tears. Pain ripped through my skull as I was dragged to the ground. I coughed and squirmed under a horrible smelling robed man.

His hot breath wafting across my face, as another set of hands rolled up my sleeve without care for the delicate fabric.

"You have run amok for too long witch," the man hissed. The smell of hot metal filling my nose as he rambled on.

"We must burn out your heathen soul, burn out the devilish power in your veins. Do not worry child, we will not kill you but save you. I have the power to rid you of those hellish ways buried deep in your head. Now rejoice as The Pure Ones save you from eternal damnation."

I screamed in pain as the branding iron was pressed against my skin. The man's wretched hand then pressing against my brow as I withered in pain. My happy memories of the clan and my parents where pushed away from my mind and replaced by the raid. The raid on my clan carried out by this man and his horde, their faces alight with ecstasy as they slaughtered women and children. Their torches raised high as they burned the gods' altars and our huts.

They killed everyone down to the last dog and horse. Before turning everything to ash, leaving nothing left. I had made myself forget that night, but now it's back and I can feel myself breaking all over again.

I tremble and shake, spasms soon wracking my body. I feel my bones break and reshape, as green smoke clouds my sight. Then I find myself tearing at the man with claws and fangs. His body slumping to the ground covered in blood and gore. By the time I come to my senses, the field is awash with the blood of the man and his followers, ten in all.

I slumped to the ground and felt my body change as Nettle swooped down beside me. I would never be the same again. I felt hollow, distant, and for the first time alone. I felt nothing and cared for nothing. I did not hone my skills or become fond of anything for two while years. Until I found him, found his emerald eyes that filled my vision and brought me back to the waking world.

I gasp lungfuls of air as my eyes glance back and forth from the blue sky to the worried faces circling around me. Nadia, worry written across here face with Soren at her side. Damaris kneels beside me as he holds up my back with his shoulder, my legs sprawled out haphazardly on the dusty ground.

"Get away," I hiss. "Don't touch me you liar." I try to push him off but he stays put, anger again enters my belly with feral rage. I bring up my clawed hand to strike, but a strong unknown hand circles my wrist. I whipped my head around, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I glare at an older woman with tawny wrinkled skin.

Her brown eyes calm and stoic, as her thin hand squeezes my wrist. The pain pulls me out my stupor, my eyes going wide when I recognize the long white hair, the cape of bear fur, and the leather cord around her neck filled with drying herbs.

"Avia, Avia," I mumble as she releases my limp wrist. A smile erupts across her crinkled skin, the smell of sage, rosemary, and thyme wafting from her. I slowly rise and then fall into her waiting arms, my heart bursting with new found joy as I mumble, Avia, over and over into her warm skin.

"Yes child, I am here," she croons in my ear. I feel a small spark in my chest as I hold on to my mentor, my protector, my grandmother. Afraid that I would lose her once again.

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