Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Cat took in a deep breath as she shifted on her feet, her books pressed tightly to her chest. She stood in front of Jade's locker nervously. It had been a week since her car accident and today was going to be her first day back at school. Cat had gone to see her every day, bringing her homework for her and hanging out. It had been great but now they'd be in public together and she wasn't sure if Jade wanted them to come out to the whole school. She wasn't sure if she should kiss her in the halls or walk her to class or hold her hand. Did Jade want that?

She was biting her nails nervously as she looked around the halls, watching as the kids walked to their lockers and talked to their friends. A head of curly hair caught her eye and she watched as Robbie walked down the hall silently. A small frown on his lips as he kept his eyes down. He hadn't talked to her in a week. He still sat with everyone at the lunch table and met at Tori's locker in between classes but he never even looked at her. It hurt her that she had lost him as a friend but the others kept telling her that he'd come around.


She jumped, putting her hand to her chest. "Jadey you scared me!" She pouted as she looked up at the older girl who stood next to her, staring down at her with a raised eyebrow. Jade's arm was casted up from her knuckles to her elbow and rested in a sling for the sake of her broken collarbone. Her head still wore a bandage over the gash and her face still wore healing cuts and bruises. She had her book bag thrown over her right shoulder.

"Well Cat if you were paying more attention to your surroundings then you would have noticed me standing here for like five minutes. You're in front of my locker so..." Jade moved her head to tell her to move and Cat quickly slid over and bit her lip watching as Jade put in her combination. She held her bag out and Cat quickly took it. She opened it and pulled out the books for Jade's first few classes. "Thanks." Jade mumbled as she shoved her bag into her locker and turned towards Cat, taking her books before kissing her softly on the lips and walking past her to meet with the others.

Cat stood stunned for a few moments before a grin came to her lips and she fought the urge to bounce on her toes in excitement. Jade had just kissed her in the hall full of other students. She did want them to be public, she did want to be her girlfriend. She turned and quickly caught up with Jade just as she reached Tori's locker and stood next to her, biting back the smile that wanted to split her face.

"Good to have you back." Beck said with a small nod. She returned it with a small sigh.

"Good to be back. My parents have been driving me fucking insane. One minute their moaning and groaning over my totaled car and the next their all over me as if I had died and magically came back to them. It's like they still can't decided if they're pissed at me or if their glad that I'm okay and it's been a week already." She shook her head with a roll of her eyes.

"Parents." Tori said with a shake of her own head and they all nodded in agreement. 

The group was silent for only a few moments before Andre perked up. "So are you two like a thing now or what?" He asked as he pointed to Cat and Jade. The others quickly looked to them as well. Jade's eyes narrowed as Cat quickly looked to her for the answer.

"Yeah. Why, is that a problem?"

"No." Andre shook his head and quickly looked away from Jade's dark gaze. "I'm happy for you guys." He said and gave Cat a thumbs up. She beamed before she looked up at Jade who was shaking her head and rolling her eyes as if Andre's question was the dumbest thing she had ever heard.

"Me too. I think you two would be good for each other now that you've cleared all that toxic air." Tori chipped in as she nodded her head. Jade's eyes narrowed next on her.

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