Chapter 4: Somewhere Unknown...

Start from the beginning

"N-NOW I'M I-IN S-S-S-SOME S-SORT OF F-FOGGY FOREST!!!" He said as tears fell from his eyes and he fell to his knees sobbing and stressed as he felt as if he couldn't breath properly.

"N-NOW I'M I-IN S-S-S-SOME S-SORT OF F-FOGGY FOREST!!!" He said as tears fell from his eyes and he fell to his knees sobbing and stressed as he felt as if he couldn't breath properly

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His lips quivered as his body couldn't take the stress, he wanted to think of today as a sick dream. He just wanted to live on with his life in peace and follow his dream even when others interfere with it.

"W-Why i-is it a-always l-like this?...hic...W-Why are w-weird s-stuff happening t-to me?" He said as his tears stream down his cheeks.

"I-I just w-want a-a break...hic...I-I want a-a hug...I-I want t-to be t-treated p-properly...hic...I-I w-want m-mama and p-papa..." He said wanting some comfort as his ten year old mind has been put to it's limit.

He wants to feel a gentle and warm hug from his parents, something most children don't receive it often but is cherished. He just wants at least some bit of comfort as he was going through a panic attack.

His mouth was dry a sort of bile filing up his throat, his heart palpitating. His breath hitched and trouble with breathing at times. He felt dizzy as his eyes spun and shook a bit, tears streaming down his cheeks. His two hands gripping the sides of his head pulling on his hair in the process. Sweat poured down his face mixing with his tears. His eyes dilating back and forth still shaking and probably due to the shaking.

Izuku wasn't really in the right state of mind as his feeling were everywhere, but the most profound one is the feeling of utter panic evident in his eyes. As if he dreads what would happen next, what would add on to the stress. He felt as if he were to snap in half with the amount of pressure. He was going to pass out in any minute before a loud noise was heard.

His senses were on high alert as he was scared as too what's in the forest. He feared the unknown monsters that may lurk in this forest as his body became jittery. His tears stopped flowing as his teeth started to jitter. He slowly stood up revealing the sort of dirty school uniform pants he wore. As he stood up he looked around quickly, snapping his head to his sides looking for any creatures that may be lurking.

He checked and saw nothing slugging on the ground, nothing swinging on the tree's or hiding behind it. He saw nothing moving the bushes of any sort of shadow he could pinpoint, there was nothing to his sides he feared what was behind him or something not able to be seen in his peripheral vision. He slowly convinced himself to turn around quickly trying to get the deed over with in a flash.

"Okay...Okay...Okay...I-Izuku y-you can d-d-do this! D-Don't b-be n-nervous! T-There's n-no such t-things a-as m-monsters..." He said to himself trying to reassure his panicked mind. As he slowly turned around too see what shocked him the most.

A door appeared out of no where, it was surrounded by lush leaves that came from no where as well. The door was surrounded by smooth polished stone that has seemed to age, some parts of it was covered by the leaves and small thin pieces of trees. A path of stone tiles was somehow made from thin air trying to blend in with the dirt path, the stone path was curved as it didn't want to overlap the tree and small forest bump beside it. Then there was the giant door, the door was made out of mahogany as it held no form of splinter or bump. Pure smooth mahogany doors. At the top of the door was some sort of lowered mahogany ceiling. it had a certain design to it, strange to the young boy.

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