Moved On

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Saying goodbye to Joe wasn't easy at all, I had only just found him again and I wasn't ready to let him go. We had agreed to talk as often as we could and he had promised to call me as soon as he landed.

I had no idea how long I had been sat here staring at my phone but I was just desperate to hear his voice, it was crazy how much I missed him already.

Taking a quick glance out of the window I see Jake walking up the path to my front door and I sigh before going to answer the door.

"What do you want Jake?" I ask not letting him in

"You said we could talk" he says "I just want you to hear me out"

"Alright fine" I sigh stepping aside "but let's get one thing clear, we are not getting back together"

"But that's what we were supposed to be talking about" he says "give me one good reason why we can't try again?"

"Because I've moved on" I say "I don't want to be with you Jake"

"Why did you cancel on me the other day?" He asks

"Becuase I wanted to spend the time with my boyfriend before he left" I say quickly realising what I had just done, I had put a label on us, and honestly I was quite comfortable with it.

"Boyfriend?" What boyfriend?" He snaps "you never mentioned a boyfriend when we agreed to talk"

"I don't have to tell you anything" I say "it's none of your business"

Jake takes a step towards me and I take a step back, something in his eyes un nerves me and quite frankly I want him to leave.

"Come on Sam" he smiles "you know you'll come back to me in the end, you always do, why lead him on?"

"Not this time Jake" I say taking another step back "we are done, I'd like you to leave"

"Fine I'll leave" he smirks walking over to the door "but we both know it's only a matter of time"

As the door closes behind him I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, I had never seen that side of Jake before and I didn't like it. This time he wasn't going to win, this time I wasn't going back, I had a damn good reason not to.

Jake POV

Getting in the car I dial Liv's number before pulling away from the house, I hadn't counted on her moving on but I couldn't see that it would be a problem.

"Hey baby" she says answering the phone "did it work?"

"No we have a small problem" I say "she's seeing some one"

"Oh great so we are screwed then" she snaps

"No no we are fine" I say "we just need to get him, whoever he is out of the way"

"And how are we going to do that?" She asks

"Just leave it all to me" I say "first I need to find out who he is and then the rest should be easy"


I was just beginning to calm down when my phone rings and scares me half to death, seeing Joe's name on the screen I take a deep calming breath and then answer.

"Hey Big man, how was your flight" I ask

"Hey sweetheart, it was good, uneventful" he sighs "I miss you though"

"I miss you too" I smile "kind of wish you'd been here just now"

"Why? What's happened?" He asks

"My ex showed up" I say "he wants me back, he got a little creepy when I said no"

"Are you alright?" He asks the concern evident in his voice

"Yeah just a little shook up" I say "He's never been like that before"

"Listen to me" he says "if he comes back don't let him in and call the police, and if he keeps bothering you call me and I'll be on the first flight to you"

"You don't have to do that" I say "Your're busy"

"I'm never too busy for you" he says "but you could always come to me instead"

"There is one other thing you should know" I say "I may or may not have called you my boyfriend"

"You did?" he says and I can hear the smile in his voice "I'm more than happy for you to call me that, but like I said when you are ready"

"I'm ok with it" I smile "I kind of liked saying it"

Joe and I talk until he gets to his hotel and checks in, when we end the call I feel relaxed and happy. After seeing Jake like that there is no doubt in my mind I made the right choice.

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