Part VI

692 41 4

(Reader's POV)

"Easy right?"
"Then...atta girl!" He patted my back and ushered me towards the pet store.

I learned that this guy was simply called "Scar". I was chill with it as he just called me "Kid". I appreciated that he didn't ask about my past as I did the same. I made sure to keep the questions at a minimum.

This job of his included that I slip a ring into this store owner's pocket. Seemed easy enough so I accepted. Scar said there would be way more opportunities for me to get more money if I got this one right.

I walked into the store normally, pretending to look at the different hamsters they sold. I stood there for quite some time until a man came out and poked my shoulder.

"Hello, miss. Would you like help with anything?" I looked at him, then his badge.


"Ah yes, how long do these live for?"
He looked at the hamsters and thought for a second. "About three years, some even live till five if treated well enough. It'll be ¥500 if you're still interested?"
"Hm.. what about those down there?" I pointed to the rats at below by my feet.

"Oh those? Let's see..."
He bent down and examined them while I quickly opened the bird cage beside me.

The parakeets inside got out and flew around the store and the owner looked up and realised what happened. "Oh no! Come back, Peaches! You too, Tori! No, Cookie!" He jumped and desperately tried to catch them.

During this, I quickly slipped the ring into his pocket successfully and nodded towards Scar who was waiting outside.

Soon, three officers walked in while I slipped out of the store, throwing my hood back on. "We have reason to believe you have stolen goods on you?" One of them questioned the owner. "Huh? Me? Steal?" He asked while pushing his tiny glasses up.

I snickered as I stood next to Scar and watched in amusement. Not long, they find it on him and began to drag him away.

"What?! No! You must have the wrong guy! I was framed!" That's when he spotted me. "Her! The little girl did it! She slipped it into my pocket while I was trying to catch my babies!"

I put on my best innocent face as they walked by. The officers laughed and kept dragging Mr. Yamaguchi away.

I high fived Scar and we both laughed.
"Well done, Kid! You've got spunk! Here, as promised." He handed me the cash and I counted it.

"¥1500?! Are you sure?! I could buy three hamsters with this!" I asked but I wasn't even sure if it is a lot. "Yeah! Consider this... investment, to make sure we'll do business again."
"Deal!" We shook hands and parted ways.

That afternoon, I bought myself a delicious bowl of ramen at my (now) new favourite ramen place.

"I can get used to this..." I might actually take him up on his offer.


(Prequel) 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕤Where stories live. Discover now