The Masquerade Ball

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I adjusted my jacket and looked at my reflection in my wardrobe mirror. My outfit looked fantastic, a white and gold suit with a matching half-mask. I had white boots that came up underneath my loose trousers, the jacket tails reaching down my legs to form a sort of cape-dress-jacket. As Mrs Small wasn't allowing us to wear trousers - well, she said we could but I don't trust her - I had made sure the jacket was especially long so that it looked like a skirt from a distance. I grinned at my reflection and tossed my hair back over my shoulders. For once I'd let it hang down instead of tying it back in a ponytail like normal. 

"Georgina, are you ready?" my dad shouted. 

"Yep!" I called back, skidding down the stairs and bouncing out of the door. My dad shook his head and followed me to the car. Loki was teleporting there and Shaade was using shadows. The other Super Glitches were being driven in and we all planned to get there at the same time. But knowing my dad I'd end up being early.

And guess what? I was right. We pulled up outside school at 7:55, five minutes earlier than organised. I sighed, grabbed my trsuty shoulder bag and waved goodbye to my dad who promptly drove off. I pulled my jacket closer around me and settled in for a long wait. 


"Georgy!" Sophie squealed, running over. She had a dark purple dress that almost brushed the floor and a feather mask.. At my raised eyebrow she hitched the dress up a little to reveal jeans underneath. I laughed and shook my head.

"Typical," I chuckled. "But hey, I won't tell if you don't." I swept back my jacket to show the glitzy trousers. Sophie grinned.

"Fabulous," a new voice said. Sophie and I jumped and I spun around to see Rebecca stood just behind us, smiling. She had on a floaty pink dress that fell to just below her knees and a pink silk mask, the same colour as her dress. She was also wearing dark pink Converse trainers. 

"The dark night arrives!" Lotte shouted, appearing behind us. She had black trousers (not jeans, apparently), a black leather jacket and a black velvet mask. She had a white T-Shirt and black boots that almost reached her knees. She bowed before running off to find Vita, her girlfriend. 

"Well that wasn't startling at all," Sophie said. I blinked a few times, still trying to regain my composure from being verbally attacked. I shook my  head a few times and noticed that the school doors had opened. The Super Glitches linked arms and walked inside.


About an hour in and I was yet again sulking in the corner. Mrs Small had forced us all to dance at least three times and the Super Glitches had abandoned me. Rebecca was off looking after her little sister Emily, Sophie was talking to some boys who had lessons with her dad and Lotte was with Vita. Shaade was whirling around the 'dance floor' with yet another air-headed girl and Loki was nowhere to be seen.

"He's a right prat, isn't he?" a voice muttered grumpily. I turned my head to the left to see Loki huddled beside me, arms around his knees. A group of girls walked past, seemingly looking for someone, and Loki hid behind me until they were gone. I watched him in bewilderment.

"What's all the secrecy about?" I asked.

"They keep trying to make me dance with them," Loki whispered, "and I really, really don't want to dance."

"Dance with someone else and they'll leave you alone," I suggested. Loki glared at me. "Or don't."

"I'm just tired," he sighed, leaning his head against the wall. Whilst he mumbled away to himself I looked at his outfit. An emerald green velvet jacket, black trousers, an emerald silk cloak, a dark green shirt and a matching half-mask. Glancing around the hall I noticed that everyone had half-masks on and most people were smiling. Aside from me and Loki, of course.

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