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I pursed my lips and folded my arms. Loki and Shaade were stood at separate ends of my bedroom, screaming at one another. As Shaade had nowhere to stay and could hide in the shadows (not from me, I could see when he glitches) I allowed him to stay in the downstairs room, forgetting that he and Loki were enemies. The second he drifted in Loki kicked up a fuss, shouting and cursing. My family were out of the house (thankfully) but the two boys were visible through the side window so I dragged them up to my room. Bad idea. Fluffy toys, books and random mugs full of pens were being thrown across the room. I ducked another flying rabbit and whistled sharply. The fighting froze.

"You two said that you would at least try to get on," I said accusingly. "So stop destroying my room, tidy up and Shaade, you're moving out."

"What? Where? What did I do?" Shaade asked, hurt.

"Nothing," I assured him. "Seriously. I just can't stand the fighting anymore and I have a feeling that Loki may end up killing you."

"Would that really be a bad thing?" Loki growled. I shot him a glare and he quailed, lowering his head. Shaade sulked his way out of my bedroom and Loki slunk down the stairs and hid in his room. I sighed and sat down on my bed, logging into my laptop and going on YouTube.


"Today?" I shrieked. "Seriously?!"

"I know, right?" Rebecca moaned. "It's so depressing!"

"That poster was not there yesterday," Sophie frowned.

"Well, at least there won't be many people there if it just appeared," Lotte said brightly. There was a cough from behind us and Shaade faded into view. 

"Actually," he said in that posh tone of his, "I've heard so far today a total of fifty girls in years eight and nine say that they would try for the audition." After a long discussion over the weekend I'd agreed to use my powers to trick everyone into believing Loki's false background for him; he'd been put in the school by mistake but his grades were high enough to keep him in. 

"Nearly every year seven has said that they would go for it and all the year tens and elevens," Loki butted in, elbowing Shaade out of the way. The latter wobbled and clutched at my arm to stay upright. I hit my forehead with the heel of my hand and groaned.

"What's going on?" a snide voice asked. I removed my hand and turned around. Some girls from 8X were stood just behind us; Dolphin, Sunny and Kendra. Kendra had been in our form but left after saying she was 'too good' for us. 

"Just a play," Loki said breezily. "Nothing interesting."

"You two will go for it?" Sunny asked, twirling her hair around her finger. She was shorter than me with light brown skin, dark brown eyes and curled hair. Dolphin was tall and slender with light brown hair reaching down to her elbows. Kendra was very small and had dark brown hair cut into a bob. The first two had their skirts rolled up and Kendra kept on tossing her hair. 

"Why would we?" Shaade replied.

"Well, you two are the only guys in this school so you have to go for the guy parts," Kendra laughed. "You'll probably both be handsome princes."

"You'll be the princess, Kendra," Dolphin said. Kendra leered at her two followers, a sickly smile. Both Dolphin and Sunny worshipped the smaller girl, following her every move and practically kissing the ground she walked on. It made me shudder to realise that there was still a pecking order in our school, the sheep following the 'popular' wolf in shepard's clothing. 

"Please don't inflate their already ballooning egos," I muttered, unheard by any but the Super Glitches. Quiet giggles sounded from behind me and I tried not to grin. 

Super Glitches 2: The Cursed OnesWhere stories live. Discover now