'How Bad Could It Go?'

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I threw my rucksack onto a chair and walked over to the piano. Miss Thorn was sat on the stool talking to Lotte, Rebecca and Sophie. Loki and Shaade appeared behind me, talking happily. I heard my name mentioned and listened closer. Unfortunately Miss Thorn decided that was a good time to start the rehearsal.

We went through a warm-up rendition of 'Tuna In A Car' (that song will haunt my dreams) before moving onto some of the actual songs. The rehearsal took up the rest of the afternoon so Miss Thorn wasn't exactly hurrying.

"Very good," she said, playing the last chord of 'Game Of Life'. "Now we can move onto some acting. Miss Johnson?"

The Drama teacher stepped forwards and handed us each a thick script. Mine announced in bold lettering that I played Cyra. I flicked through the pages and saw that all my lines had been highlighted already.

"Now, I think we'll go from... Scene 15," Miss Johnson said, leafing through her own copy of the script. "I think it's best to get those scenes out of the way early on, don't you?"

"Why? What happens?" I asked, skimming the text to find the correct heading. I started to read the lines and groaned.

"Really?" I muttered to myself. "Of all the scenes in the world, we have to start with this one..."

"Up on stage!" Miss Johnson called.

"How bad could it go?" I heard Lotte murmur.

"And... action!"


Cyra and Xander stood at opposite ends of the room. Cyra was watching Xander's back, he looking out of the window. A figure - Christopher - walked up the long drive to the house, hands balled into fists.

"Why?" Cyra asked quietly. "Why here? And why am I the price?"

"Because, my dear, you are the only thing worth fighting for," Xander replied softly, spinning on his heel and crossing the room. Cyra flinched and looked over his shoulder. Christopher's blurred outline had left the drive and was surely in the hall by now.

"You do realise I am only playing a part?" Cyra said, taking a step back from Xander. The man shut his eyes briefly and when he opened them again they were full of hope.

"I do indeed," he replied.

"Then why persist? It is I that must act, not you, sir," Cyra said quickly. "So please, refrain from harassing me when you know I am but a lie."

"But are you playing the part of a deceiver?" Xander questioned. "Or are you becoming your character?"

"Xander, I am a professional. You bought me to stop tongues from wagging," Cyra said nervously. "Now please. You have a reputation, sir."

"Is that why you are afeared of me?" Xander asked. "You know my stereotype but not me, even after all this time?"

"I do not believe anyone knows who you are," Cyra retorted, back now against the wall. "Not even you. Sir."

"Is this true?" Xander said sadly, on the verge of tears. "You do not know who I am?"

"No sir."

"Then I am lost and will give in to Christopher's attack." Xander turned away from the frightened girl and sighed heavily. "But there is one last thing I must do, my dear, before my life is lost." Xander took Cyra's hand and pulled her in front of him.

"My dear," he said softly. "Please, grant a condemned man one final request." Xander lowered his head towards Cyra, eyes closing.


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