(Y/N):I know but we both know we won't allow it. Is it to Riser?

Serzech:You surprise me but yes it is .

(Y/N):Then I can only do one thing?

Serzech:What is that?

(Y/N):I officially challenge Rias,Riser and Sona to thr rating games.

Serzech:I see but why Rias and Sona.

(Y/N):Rias so nothing looks suspicious and Sona for the fun of it.

Serzech:I see .

(Y/N):Now if you will excuse me I have training to do.

Serzech:Yes and good luck.

(Y/N):Thank you and brother...

Serzech: Yes what is it?

(Y/N):Do you have a trade in mind?

Serzech:I do why?

(Y/N):Before I verse Rias can we trade.

Serzech:We can but why not now?

(Y/N):Because I need to know.

Serzech:I understand.

You go hug Serzech.

(Y/N):Thank big brother I love you.

Serzech looks at you and hugs you back.

Serzech:I'm proud of you and I love you too.

You let go look at him and smile.You walk away.

(Y/N) you are becoming a true man I could never of asked for a better brother. I know you will win.

End of flashback

Serzech: You see Mom and Dad your arrangement angered him and he didn't want Rias to be sad so he challenge Riser so he could stop him.

Dad:We didn't know he would go so far to see his sister happy.The engagement is off.

Serzech:Good because I had a plan B.

Rias:Let me guess Issei.

Serzech:No that was (Y/N)'s plan B.

Issei:Wow he really hates Riser but why does he want Ravel.

Serzech:He see potential in her. Potential that Riser hasn't even try to unlock.(Y/N) even told me the two who I should trade.I wanted him to have a queen and he said no that spot is reserved for the one he loves. Which right now he has no one?

Koneko:I...I thought he just didn't care.

Serafall: So you are the Kitty who broke my besties heart.

Rias:Bestie...what do you mean?

Serafall: You know best friend. The one who helps you out anyway possible but nothing sexual.

She laughs.

Rias:I see so why are you giving him peace if you don't have a full set.

Serzech:It is because she can fill her peerage up if she makes the trade.

Rias:I see.

Sona:Riser and (Y/N) have started thier fight.

(Sence change brought to you by you about to show Riser what a true king is)

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