"Now Gentlemen, the Military Industry Complex has been created, so anytime we have a war industry booms," I said

"Isn't it wrong to profit from war?" Joseph Marx asked

"Typical human vs human, yes but I don't think we have many human enemies at the moment, so that means we are taking the fight to the Grimm, right, vinny" Peleus explained

"Exactly, we are going to be doing a LOT  of work in the next few years to push back against the Grimm, our purity dust ammo already causes the Grimm to fear, so if we go bigger, it's only a matter of time before we are clearing the final Grimm," I said unaware a little crow was watching the conversation holding a scroll, recording the conversation

"So! if we are going to take the fight to the Grimm, we need some new toys that take a ton of effort to get right. As far as I understand, no actual images have been taken from beyond the atmosphere, correct?" I ask

"No, but we have gotten high enough to map the main continents, dust doesn't work beyond the atmosphere," Peleus said

"Awesome, so we are going to build rockets and stuff so we can get to space!" I exclaimed

"What!!" The two men exclaimed strategy at the same time a bird squawked as if were in pain

"Well, see the scientists were to narrow minded, they only used dust for the entirety of their fuel, and while it does work for generators, not so great with space travel, I know of many fuels to put in spacecraft," I explained before forming a small rocket motor with pipes leading to two tanks, one full of oxygen, the other full of kerosene, these attach to a large, dense boulder, I make sure the area is clear before firing the rocket.

"EVERYONE STAND CLEAR FOR ROCKET TESTING, FIRING IN 5 4 3 2 1" I press a button, and a burst of flames fires off into the woods singeing the grass

I turn back to my ministers who have no clue what to say.

"Now, this fuel will work outside the atmosphere, so if we can get more power to the rockets, then we will be in space in no time, then we can work on satellites for the CCT towers some Global mapping, even weather forecasting, also it can act as something to spy on other kingdoms" I explained

"Are you sure you a 12?" Joseph Marx asked

"Yep" 'here at least, I would be about 37 in my old world, god im an old man' i thought

"Let's retire those ideas, for now, I want to get some food before I start work on my final project of the day," I said

Just as I got home cinder ran up to me panicked, "Vinny IM DYING IM BLEEDING"



Suddenly it clicked, cinder is 13, a bit of a late bloomer, nonetheless, she is now going through puberty......lovely.

"Peleus go get Thetis and have her give Cinder her "the talk," I said before turning to Cinder, " listen you're not dying, you are just becoming an adult, this will only last a few days to a week, the rest Thetis will have to tell you"

Just then Thetis came running out and grabbed cinder before heading back to a closed room.

"Well, you handled that pretty good," Peleus said

"This kind of stuff was never hidden from me as a kid, my parents figured if im going to learn about it, they might as well know some of it, also I had an older sister at one point," I said slightly sad, I have a younger sister but she would be older than this bodies so older sister.....kind of, she is probably back on earth doing fine, she never got involved with Haskaria

"Oh, im sorry," Peleus said

"It's fine, I just hope she's doing where she's at," I said looking at the ceiling " no matter, how about we get dinner set up for the girls so it's less work on Thetis, you get plates and cutlery set up, and ill take care of the food," I said before using mana to form one of the best looking Prime Rib cuts I have ever seen, I coat it some barbecue sauce and put my secret spices on and pop it in the oven for a while, next I start working on the side dishes, you always need a vegetable and starch for your sides, so boil some corn on the cob and make some steak fries.

Once the prime rib is done I pulled it out of the oven and let it rest with some foil over it, finally, I place it all on the table with a butter tray, some homemade yeast roll, that will bless your soul. And some fresh sweet tea.

The perfect summertime meal.

"EVERYONE COME DOWN, FOODS ON" I yelled, before long everyone was down here in a seat, I was about to eat before a knock at the door was heard, I sigh before standing up and opening the door to see Qrow.

"Come on in, we have just started dinner," I said inviting him in.

"This food smells amazing Vinny, I truly appreciate you taking care of this" Thetis said sitting next to a very red-faced Cinder

we then feasted heartily

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