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Memories ~ The Breakdown.

"Why are you doing this boy, I thought this is what you wanted, Carson comes from a good family, he's respectful and everything you wanted and more." Alpha Hunt argued looking at his heir, Renallo was now adamant in wanting a mate, it seemed his son had changed, become less of the wolf he knew into a shell he couldn't recognize.

"Father I'm not doing anything, I appreciate Carson for all he does but I don't think I'm ready for a mate, I haven't even grasped being alpha yet father." Renallo spoke his argument but a snicker in the corner had both alphas turning to look at its source. "Jonathan keep your silent comments to yourself." Renallo hissed looking at his younger brother who was too smart for his own good, the boy raised his hands in surrender and remained silent. "I don't care about what you want now, a few months ago you were pining for this, be grateful you have it and do good with it." Alpha Hunt all but commanded but his son was still defensive. "I said no father, I can't handle anything right now!" The younger alpha growled toward his father, a clear challenge which alpha Hunt didn't take well, he knew something was wrong with his son but he was still to respect him.

"Boy, watch yourself-" It was too late, Renallo's eyes had turned to maddened crimson and he lunged for his father like a rabid beast, once he pounced the alpha maneuvered his body to avoid the claws aimed at him but not the body, the two shattered the large windows behind the alpha's desk and plummeted to the ground from the fourth floor, the alpha having a bit of experience with the situation maneuvered his body so that he could grab onto a branch then slide down the tree, his son fell straight onto a parked car which was flattened the moment of impact.

Screams tore through the air once the wolves noticed. "Renallo!" The alpha yelled with more emotion than he ever displayed, a pack member was already there assessing the young alpha's state. "Renallo, wake up, Renallo!" Alpha Hunt begged as his son's body snapped bones back into place slowly. "He'll live, but his broken body will take time to heal." The pack member asserted as attendants from the infirmary took the young alpha Hunt away on a stretcher. Alpha Hunt wondered what was wrong with his son, what could've cause his sudden aggression and those blood thirsty rabid eyes.

Back in the alpha's office Jonathan stood by the shattered window with an amused face, he knew what this was, he knew what caused it, and he knew that this was the first of many breakdowns for his haunted older brother.


Renallo Hunt.

Apples, generous hint of vanilla and a bit of cinnamon to add just a little kick, those scents reminded me of his skin, he was all I should've cherished but I couldn't and now it seemed the past was haunting me in more ways than one, reminding me that it couldn't be erased, the goddess didn't forget our sins, she instructed karma to wait patiently, strike true and strike deep, but it seemed even though once would've been enough, I get punished everyday, as long as I breathe, a stray purple ribbon floated in the air past my office window, it reminded me the days that passed, the memorial of the Drake family, all of them were mutilated by rogues except one survivor who wasn't home, their daughter.

I like to believe this story more than the truth I know, what truly happened to that family and the magnitude of betrayal their daughter scaled, how pitiful it must be for all of us to live with it, she now realizes what she did hence the memorial but can it bathe her in the light of innocence, remove the layers of treacherous betrayal beneath the skin and in her soul, I for one till now cannot forget my actions, hence why its a struggle to wake up in the morning, to face another day knowing of all the wrongs I've down and swept under the rug.

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