"Look at you being all mature and rational." Camie was surprised. "Dang. We really are fricked if you're being this serious."

"Oh, shut up, it's just logical!" Bakugo said.

"Even weirder, bro," Camie said.

Bakugo looked down.

"If you aren't going to fight villains, I suppose I could overlook it..." Iida said, "but I feel I should join you all...to make sure."

"What?" Bakugo said.

"All right," Momo joined them, "I'm ready.... I feel bad for Todoro--" She paused, seeing Iida.

Iida sighed.

"Mr. Pres here says he want to join our party," Camie said.

"Oh, Iida, I don't know if you understand," Momo said, "This isn't like when we rescued Bakugo."

"When you what?" Camie said.

"They didn't. I just used them as an exit," Bakugo said.

"Oh, that sounds like bulls---," Camie grinned, "This I gotta hear."

"Maybe later," Momo said, "but, Iida, we really shouldn't say more. We have to do this, I'm sorry. I know you care about procedure, but it's just not the time for that."

Iida was somber. "You know, I do understand how you feel. I just think it might be worse to do what you're doing."

"What, than do nothing?" Bakugo snorted.

"You're wound really tight, bro," Camie said to Iida, "Sometimes you just gotta go with your gut."

"We can't expect him to feel the same as us," Momo said.

Shine and Wally joined them.

"Ren says he's ready for us," Shine said, "so... Oh...hi, Iida."

Iida pushed up his glasses. "Just so you know, Miss Likstar, I still blame you and West for this, but maybe it's time I just tried to fix the problem myself. I want to come and make sure you do nothing too reckless."

Wally laughed nervously. "What?"

"Iida, this is not like with Bakugo," Shine said.

"Stop freaking saying that!" Bakugo got mad.

"I don't speak to not offend you, Bakugo," Shine shot back.

"Dang..." Camie said.

"Or you, for that matter." Shine looked back at Iida. "We don't need someone to try to hold us back. We will not have the luxury of hesitation. Also, we'll have some people on our team that you will not care to work with. And it's all top secret. A matter of life or death, really, if it gets out. All that said, Iida, I have never had any reason to trust you. I'm sorry."

"Miss Likstar," Iida changed his tone, "you don't understand. I have been watching thing after thing happen to my classmates, because of or around you, and...sometimes not around you, I'll admit. And I haven't been able to do a thing about it, and this is just...it's like no one is safe anymore."

"No one usually is," Wally said.

"And I'm tired of it," Iida said, "If I don't do something, I'm going to go mad."

He was hardly ever this emotional. It shocked Momo.

Shine and Wally studied him.

Wally kind of nodded at Shine. "He reminds me of GL..."

Shine tilted her head. "All right, Tenya, listen...I get it. But I know you've snapped before. Are you sure you can handle this? It could get ugly."

"I think I could handle that better than nothing," Iida said, "But...what do you mean? How do you know anything about me?"

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