Chapter 2: Detective Hewitt

Começar do início

I wrap my hand around the small of her back pulling her in. She chuckles as our lips collided with each other. The scent of her perfume fused the air making my hairs stand up. I smile as I pull away from her lips, she let's out another giggle, I swear she loves to laugh. "Thanks babe" I say giving her a smirk. "No need to thank me hun, it's the duty of a wife to look after her husband" she says pecking my lips once again.

"Now off you go, this town needs you" her voice fills with concern. "It's going to be ok we'll fi-" I was cut off by the ringtone of my phone. I retrieve it from my pocket holding up my index finger on my left hand where my coffee was in indicating to my wife that I need a second. "Detective Hewitt..." I greet. I immediately recognize the voice on the other end. "I'm already here sir....ok I'm coming in right now" I hung up the phone turning to my wife who has an understanding look on her face.

She's trying very hard to hide her worried expression but I know her too well to see right through her. "I'm on it honey" I say giving her a kiss on her forehead. She nods and I immediately start walking towards the entrance of the station. A few beads of sweat ran down my face because of the haste I was in. I was surprised when Captain Zein told me that there were family members for the first victim in my office.

We brought it out to the public because we couldn't get an idea of who she was. A dress similar to the one she had on was also uploaded to the media in means of finding out anything. The sound of whaling made my heart drop, I can't imagine what it's like losing a child. I took a deep breath before opening the door. Two heads snatched up in my direction which was expected but made me a little uneasy.

I walk over towards my desk placing my coffee on top of the case files I spent the last week and a half going over dead ends after dead ends. I took off my coat placing it on the back of my chair while avoiding eye contact with them. I finally sat in my chair and handed the lady the tissue paper holder. The man standing behind her nod his head in appreciation. I watch as she removes a tissue with her slender well manicured fingers.

"I'm Detective Hewitt and my partner is currently out on maternity leave and won't be back till the next few months. I was put on this case" I say introducing myself. She looks up at me with her blood shot eyes. The man continues to console her. "I'm Susette Stanley and this is R- Ryan Stanley my- my husband, I'm Eli-Elizabeth's mother and this is her s-step father" she manages to say.

I'm a bit confused as to why the man didn't speak for her. His eyes held sorrow but I guess he's holding back the tears to be strong for her. I stretch my right hand out for them to shake, then offered them a seat, after that awkward greeting crying filled the room once again.
"Do you have a picture of her?" I ask, with shaking hands she reached into her purse and hands me a picture.

I leaned forward taking the picture from her hand. The woman in the photo had strawberry blonde hair like her mother and blue eyes, she was petite in figure and doesn't look to be over the age of twenty-two. I looked at her attire noticing the same red dress we found on the highway two weeks ago.

"That was her favorite dress..." She sniffs wiping her nose.

"I got it for her for her twentieth birthday....she said she was going to wear it on a special occasion" the man finally speaks ups. A small smile forms on his lips then evaporated in seconds as if he was reminiscing about her reaction who knows. "What was she like?" I ask, receiving a glare from Mrs. Stanley.

"Look detective she was not a rebellious girl, she was quiet and collected, she took care of every one around her and she was very sweet. She came here in search of a job to help finance herself" her voice fills with conviction. "My apologies if that came off the wrong way Mrs. Stanley...I want to get my information together so I can put it out to the press" I state.

The Treasure CollectorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora